Please help. need to know about demon.


New Member
so ok guys i need help. i want to find out if this is a common demon or what.
and also if it is one that attached to my fiance or was just at the house.
so heres the story.
growing up my fiance lived with her dad.
her closet for her room was in the hallway(small house i guess)
almost every night she would wake up and see this demon come out of her closet and stand in the hallway around the corner of her door.
it never made a sound but
it would very slowly slide its arm down the of her door, then peak its head in and after that slowly come in. she said it would do this slow process until she looked at it directly. then it would almost instantly be back where it started.
she said that it would happen over and over again until she went to bed.
she told her father multiple times but he never belived her.
eventually he got married and she switched rooms with her step sister.
her step sister never complained of seeing this demon nor did my fiance see it again.
on night that room were my fiance used to sleep caught fire and when the fire was out the demons face was burned on the wall.
after that he took a picture of the wall, got the photo developed and put it in their family bible. it was gone the next morning
my fiance hasnt seen it since but she told me about it today and im just really curious. any info would help.
the picture if the closest thing i could find to it. almost identical


Senior Member
That is definitely strange, she never has dreams about it and has never seen it again? It does honestly sound ether like a residual haunting or perhaps even a dream, the whole "it would very slowly slide its arm down the of her door, then peak its head in and after that slowly come in. she said it would do this slow process until she looked at it directly. then it would almost instantly be back where it started."
Sounds a-lot like a dream or hallucination to me. The picture disappearing could of been a Family member just trying to forget it and leave it in the past, but without it, it is difficult to determine what it could have been.


Junior Member
Hm... I've never heard of that, unless it was a spirit just trying to scare her. Sometimes what we think could be demonic, is a restless/angry spirit wanting their space back, unfortunately it is hard to say. It sounds like it just wanted to scare her, but if it is gone it must've moved on.

I once had a demonic figure in my home when I was little. I would always see it out of my peripheral vision, standing between the hallway and my parents bedroom. It would just stand there, dressed all in black, brown hair, no eyes/black eyes. Whenever I looked directly at it, it would turn into a huge black ball, fly around the living room, and disappear. I never knew what it was and I thought I was crazy...until my little brother came and asked me "who was the man in black" and pointed to the hallway. I had never been so freaked out.

Whatever it was caused chaos, especially between my parents. I think it knew I was afraid of it, so occasionally it would mess with me. I would see big shadows cast on the wall of hands waving at me (with no one in my room), doors slamming, etc. Mostly, it was attached to my parents. They would fight all the time, sometimes it would get physical. The day my dad left my mom is the day I saw the figure walk down the street outside my house, look at me, and disappear. I never saw it again...however, the house (which my mom still lives in) still doesn't feel right. It still feels like there is some oppression or negative energy even though I haven't seen it. I lived with my dad for a little while after the split and there was something haunting there too. I have no idea if it was the same energy though.


Active Member
Religious zealot warriors throughout our history have often referred to their greatest adversaries as "demons". I would consider the title a compliment, considering the context of the statement.

Prince Petropia

New Member
The demons are interpreted in various ways by various religions. Christians believe them to be fallen angels who serve Satan in Hell. The Hindus call them some powerful ghosts. The Muslims call them djinns, powerful beings who are malevolent or benevolent. Well, I believe them to be some creatures from another parallel dimension, with supernatural powers and malignant intents. You can check out my article on demons and demonic possession on my blog for more information: Demonic Possession |All About Occult
