Please help to understand !! Negative energy


I was reading something on Internet about star kids and I end up on this guy website dr Richard BoylanPhD and after reading what he write about star kids I wanted to tell him that I feel like that sometimes and I wouldn't do that if he won't ask to be contacted in case u believe u find yourself in his descriptions. I was waiting for him to reply when ... He told me I was spam because of negative energy. Here print screen of the email. Please if anyone know I want to understand why he say this ..
Weird. I'm curious to know why someone would feel negative energies when reading an email.

Num is right...weird thing for sure. If I got something like that it wouldn't bother me as I would quickly use the delete key since the message carries too many negative energies.
Num is right...weird thing for sure. If I got something like that it wouldn't bother me as I would quickly use the delete key since the message carries too many negative energies.
Thank you! You right. He just reacted weird and make me feel bad about it.
He sounds like a quack who takes opium. Sorry, but he does, lol. I wouldn't take offense to that at all. I'd laugh and go on about my day.
Very weird for sure!, Maybe he just got a bad vibe from it? Or maybe he was hitting the bottle a little to hard. Ether way i am curious, wonder what kind of vibe he would get from me!

He has predictions :O
Did he reply to you ? :))

No lol he wont ether i am a bit to big for my britches when it comes to this, if he told me he got a bad vibe from me i would of told him i would give him a worse one with my boot up his A**, I wouldn't even be concerned Jami, clearly he doesn't know half of what he thinks he does if he wouldn't speak to you and wen't about it in the manner in which he did.
