Pork rinds, chicharrones, and cracklings. Oh my!!!


Junior Member
Pork rinds, chicharrones, and cracklings. Oh my!!!

WHICH is it?! IS there any difference in the end product other than cultural origin?

Here's what I know:

Chicharones: Chicano origins
Cracklins: Not - probably american or english or something since i learned about it from my family years ago
Pork Rinds - I dunno I assume American b/c of the name and marketing

So far cracklings tend to be crunchier - hence the name? and smaller pieces

Chicharrones have in my case been mostly large, less crunchy, but almost always with seasoning such as red pepper or something

random I know but sometimes the boards can use some lighter conversation.

Any prefferences out there? Anyone NOT know what I'm talking about or disgusted by the idea of these things? Heh I know some people will find the idea unappealing. They're kind of like anchovies in the regard.
Re: Pork rinds, chicharrones, or cracklings???

I call em pork rinds ;)

And they rock.

Re: Pork rinds, chicharrones, or cracklings???

I don't now about them chicharrones, I spect they's pig skins too.

But cracklins are what you git thets left over atter yins git done renderin y'hog fat. They's not exacly rinds. They cum frum jest about eny fatty part of yer hog.

