Pos(t)ers I Have Known


I think I started going online around 2000-2001. Of course, I have no way of proving it, since most of the forums I contributed to back then have since gone belly-up for one reason or another. Still, except for a short "vacation" from the internet (which ended up lasting about three years), I have been a (more or less) active part of scores of online forums.

In that time, I have observed a few different species of posters who have, for one reason or another, made me want to take a permanent vacation. Here's my list. Please do not hesitate to make your own additions to it.

THE TROLL - I have to start with this one, because no list of forum pos(t)ers would be complete without him. Indeed, I've never seen a forum that didn't have at least one of these creatures. Fortunately, they aren't allowed to run free for very long, and concientious webmasters eject them after giving them a chance to change their ways. They seldom do, though. The troll thrives on the attention he gets by instigating heated arguments (instead of friendly discussion), engaging in personal attacks, and generally making trouble. This is why folks should NEVER FEED THE TROLL. A subspecies of the troll is...

THE MISSIONARY - This is someone who purposely joins a website that promotes an idea which is contrary to his own for the purpose of insulting the people there. Examples of this would be an atheist who disrupts a "Christians-only" forum, or a "scientist" (note the quotes) who horns in on a forum devoted to paranomal activity. Now, there's nothing wrong with observing, or even joining, a website whose values are at odds with your own. In fact, it's a great way to learn about other folks and what they believe, as long as you are respectful and don't ask questions which are designed more to disrupt rather than to gain a better understanding. However, if you join a website solely in order to impose your point-of-view where it's not wanted, then you are a missionary. You are a troll. Live with it.

MR. NON-SEQUITOR - This fellow is rather harmless compared with the two above, but he still gets under my skin. Imagine you're taking part in a thread about karma as it relates to the problem of good and evil. You read post after interesting post, until you get to Mr. Non-sequitor's posting of a YouTube video about how to stuff a turkey for Thanksgiving. "What the hell?" you say to yourself, until you see the poster's name and realize he's done this kind of thing before. Lots of times. Then you just sigh and move on.

THE GRAMMARIAN - Folks, if the only thing you can contribute to a discussion is that a word has been misspelled, or that a comma should have been inserted after the third word in the second sentence of the first paragraph, then - despite what you may think - you're part of the problem, not the solution. You should understand that this is the WORLD WIDE web. There are folks who, because of age, or education, or simply because English is not their first language, cannot express themselves as masterfully as you can. (Or, as masterfully as can you. Whatever.)

A ROSE BY ANY OTHER NAME - Yes, I have read Plato. Yes, I'm aware that before any meaningful discussion can take place, we should define our terms. There comes a point, though, when it seems that an entire thread seems devoted to arguing definitions instead of discussing ideas. Frankly, arguing semantics bores the hell out of me. Example: "Atheism is not a belief that there is no God, it is a disbelief in God." Yawn. Okay. Fine. Can we get to the point now please?

THE FALLACY PHALLUS: "You are guilty of circular reasoning." "Your argument is also known as inductive fallacy." "I totally reject such appeals to authority." And on. And on. And on. It's true that some arguments are better than others, and we should all try (I said TRY) to avoid fallacious arguments to support our views. However, some folks would rather critique the argument itself rather than the point of the argument. Many times, this is because they have nothing of any real value to add to the discussion. They're kind of like the Grammarians - mostly harmless, but real pricks nonetheless.

That's my list. I'm sure there are more, but I'll let you folks add to it. Take care.
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I am guilty of trolling sites, albeit for different reasons. I do it for two general purposes; out of necessity for Social Diagnostics, much like a sociologist or psychologist performing an experiment, ..and as a tool to identify hunt and kill stalkers.

I find that there's no such thing as an intelligent open discussion on the internet anymore. People are too stupid and selfish and narrow minded control freaks to allow that. And all the sites are designed to stifle it. All anyone wants to do is find a group-think clique and ban everyone who doesn't adhere to their 'cult'.

It makes sites like this one suck really bad. (of course, this site has unique ulterior motives that also contribute to that, but I digress.)


I am guilty of trolling sites, albeit for different reasons. I do it for two general purposes; out of necessity for Social Diagnostics, much like a sociologist or psychologist performing an experiment, ..and as a tool to identify hunt and kill stalkers.

I find that there's no such thing as an intelligent open discussion on the internet anymore. People are too stupid and selfish and narrow minded control freaks to allow that. And all the sites are designed to stifle it. All anyone wants to do is find a group-think clique and ban everyone who doesn't adhere to their 'cult'.

It makes sites like this one suck really bad. (of course, this site has unique ulterior motives that also contribute to that, but I digress.)

I couldn't begin to number the "sociologists" and "psychologists" (note the quotes) I've encountered online over the years. I think some folks say this simply to justify their bad behavior. ("No. I wasn't really trolling. I was merely conducting research on human behavior." Yeah. Right.)

Perhaps we could add this as another sub-species of troll - THE RESEARCHER.

I found your second paragraph to be a bit harsh (not to mention hyperbolic), although I have known sites which fit your description somewhat.

Two things about your last statement: First (and I mean no offense by this) but if this place sucks so bad, then why are you here? Second, if this place has some kind of hidden agenda, then I'd certainly like to know what it is. Could you elaborate?

Take care.


I couldn't begin to number the "sociologists" and "psychologists" (note the quotes) I've encountered online over the years. I think some folks say this simply to justify their bad behavior. ("No. I wasn't really trolling. I was merely conducting research on human behavior." Yeah. Right.)

Perhaps we could add this as another sub-species of troll - THE RESEARCHER.

I happen to be in a somewhat rare position whereby I HAVE TO consider the opinions and behavior of 4-7 billion people. If I have to go to a site and troll in order to learn what is typical or popular or to see how people respond to certain stimuli, then so be it. I am not ashamed.

I found your second paragraph to be a bit harsh (not to mention hyperbolic), although I have known sites which fit your description somewhat.

I meant it as a matter of fact through observation. People are stupid, grossly lack reasoning ability and tolerance of anything that isn't theirs. Conversations are often shallow, immature and egotistical in nature.

Two things about your last statement: First (and I mean no offense by this) but if this place sucks so bad, then why are you here?

I have my reasons. What sucks about it is the moderator Nazis.

Second, if this place has some kind of hidden agenda, then I'd certainly like to know what it is. Could you elaborate?

I cannot say for sure what it is, but This site is heavily controlled and exhibits characteristics of an intelligence gathering operation, an information control and collection thing.

What I do know, what I have witnessed on several occasions, is that the Titorites and admins are coordinating with an organized group of people who have done some really shady things. It's complicated and I would rather not divulge too many details. But there is indeed some shady shit happening at these sites.


I'm curious as to what this forum's hidden agenda is as well.

As am I. But there is definitely ulterior motives. I'll spare you the details in a public setting. Perhaps I will point a few things out in private when the time is right.

As I have stated below; Your site has all the ingredients of a typical information collection and control site. ...starting with that little "draft saved" ...(even if you don't want it that way) icon. You really should make that optional.


Not everything is a conspiracy. If I had half the power you suggest I have, believe me, I wouldn't be here managing a paranormal forum in my free times. I'd be full time at the beach having drinks and smoking cigars instead.

As you were told in private, I'm just someone with a hobby, a hobby that costs me time and money. Do you know why we offer premium membership? It's because the forum doesn't even pay itself.

And a draft is a draft...


Not everything is a conspiracy. If I had half the power you suggest I have, believe me, I wouldn't be here managing a paranormal forum in my free times. I'd be full time at the beach having drinks and smoking cigars instead.

As you were told in private, I'm just someone with a hobby, a hobby that costs me time and money. Do you know why we offer premium membership? It's because the forum doesn't even pay itself.

And a draft is a draft...

You don't have to have political power or the fictitious thing called 'authority' to be able to operate in such a capacity.

There are indeed conspiracies that involve the Titor-verse and these sites. I cannot help but to question your involvement. I have already identified several players among your Titor-verse friends, and an apparent collective effort to lie and omit and control important information, that also includes activity at this site.

It effects me personally in the real world. Someone with something powerful basically says "look here-there..." But your friends apparently don't like that. That's presumably why they claim ownership and origin of the posts and try to control the narrative and alter the posts and lie about it and everything, etc.

This site assists them in doing so when it goes thread-Nazi or perpetuates the lies or defends the liars, ...in addition to things like the non-optional draft save feature. (Subtle or not, whatever you say about it or not, it is a non-optional data collection method.)
