Prediction of the time, heavy bird-tation Serene Branson


Senior Member
I realize that this might seem as if I'm making light of this newscasters story, but I feel that somehow she was interfered with. So what is of value in her seems to me to be altered translation, are the factor of birds and derrison, which is people danger translated into a time and place on land, or this time.

So actually what is occurring here, is a prediction from the past to the relative now.

They then actually put her translation into a song, which confirms some of what she said.


Senior Member
I realize that this might seem as if I'm making light of this newscasters story, but I feel that somehow she was interfered with. So what is of value in her seems to me to be altered translation, are the factor of birds and derrison, which is people danger translated into a time and place on land, or this time.

So actually what is occurring here, is a prediction from the past to the relative now.

They then actually put her translation into a song, which confirms some of what she said.
Retranslation to be more exact. Derrison means or is a combination of both danger and terror. So this is what she's saying about this time. Terrisson, means Earth or land.

Birdtation, means both bird and the holy time of the dog, which is now.


Senior Member
Retranslation to be more exact. Derrison means or is a combination of both danger and terror. So this is what she's saying about this time. Terrisson, means Earth or land.

Birdtation, means both bird and the holy time of the dog, which is now.
What may have occurred as before in another recent post of mine, I said that time travel information can come from the future to the past, is what occurred, was Ms. Branson received all of this information like a shotgun blast of info where then, her mind just assembled it into the jargon, or speech that made the most sense to her then.

This is what I'm getting is that then she's either seeing into the terror and disruption caused by the covid 19 plague, or that possibly in the future that the new Afghan Republic may either be terrorist or have secret plans for terror in the future.

Albeit now, it seems as if the new administration of Afghanistan, seems peaceful like they want to be accepted by the west. But we don't know if this is the truth now.

In a book by Dolores Cannon, she says that through seer Nostradamus, that there's predictions of terror and subterfuge planed towards the west, but I don't know here, I'm only taking a guess.* see books written by Canon on Nostradamus.

I feel that she was locking onto information and not experiencing a stroke as they said. It was so much information, that it literally had taken her over.


Senior Member
Maybe someone slipped her a miccy, do you consider that?
Really an entertaining thought, but no. Think now, she was just getting a blast of information from the future. They say she had a mini-stroke, but I don't feel that's the case. Thanks for your reply.
