Predictions: You Are Going to See John Titor Again Soon

Nevertheless, it's up to you people to believe on my statements.

And no, I do know about the shootings on Capitol Hill even before it was happening today, I would make such prediction, but I'm afraid that you people wouldn't do a thing or two to prevent it to happen, or most likely would never believe me whatsoever.

And regarding informations about me, I was born in Bandung, on the earliest period of the 20th century.

Water_Lily I have a question for you:

What is the convergence value of this world line compared to yours. (How many % different is this one from yours)
A few things I would like to add. One: Although, I have seen many people who came about to troll others into thinking they are "Time-Travelers" I don't like to jump to assumptions and outright accuse others that they are not what they say they are.

However, it is rude to come out with a story, and to lie to others about who you are, after all, the internet gives anyone the chance to be anything they would like to be because in reality they cannot be what they want to be. So they have to create that fantasy themselves.

Two: You do contradict yourself a lot. For an example, you said you have nothing more to say to us, but yet you still do. (Am I saying that no man cannot change his mind? Nope.) It is always good to come out and say that you can try to answer our questions. I am not going to ask you who is going to win the next election or what happens to Obama or what not. Besides, Obama's morals are so screwed up that he was raised from a father who was a commie and his mother who lived partially to the American life. It won't surprise me if he doesn't make it through his term.

Three: I believe that in Time Travel, just as JT described can have time divergence. So it is wrong that you claim all these things are going to happen in the future. I am not going to try to refute that these presidential candidates that you speak of will come to pass, because right now it is worthless to try.

Four: I would rather take my chances cracking Nostradamus code and waiting for potential contact from JT (which you say we are to have contact from JT again.) The fact is, you would probably have to be very important for JT to let you use his TM to travel back in time. Either something happens to him and passes the key to you or you are just claiming that you know what happens in the future. Knowing the personality from John, I believe that he said that often times we trust too much.

-When do you think we should be expecting John?
-Being from 2o38, has there been any truth uncovered in documentation that the government has covered up from us, such as paranormal activities, extraterrestrial life/visits and threats?
-If you say these things happen on your world line, why predict these things for ours? John has already establish that our world line is different from his, substantially even though the difference is not as much statistically wise.

--For and example I do not remember John mentioning that 9/11 happened in his world line, are you implying he told you these things (being that you are aquintences from the different world lines) that are to happen on yours? Or are you both from the same world line.

-- Instead of feeding us predictions that are not to happen for some time even though these events are very impactful according to your timeline and which you imply is not so different from ours at all, Please do the following.

-- Give us something you can tell us that happens in 2013 here in the United States happening in the next month (that you cannot find online--that is too easy.) that we should be watching for.

i believe this person something tells me that he is no lie... people from syria or what ever country in africa or europe their from are generally correct. you should be more wise and get as much answers out of him as possible be ware the truth is right under your nose.... thats just my say i dont care what anyone else thinks.. i know in my mind im right i know a time traveller when you see one this is a time traveller.... believe his words or you otherwise keep your mouth shut and let the person SPEAK!!!!
Hi and I'm sorry for the late reply,

I already expected you all wouldn't believe me, so I'm not allowed to say anything detailed. I'm not an argumentative person, but though, I always consider accusing someone without finding the evidence that proving they are a time traveler (but I consider myself not a time traveler, I consider myself as a mere journalist/writer from the future) is pretty much childish. I'm sorry for the huge amount of fake time travelers around here that pretty much are trying to fool you people, and it makes you people won't believe me, but I can't help it.

And as of the questions, jwill27:
-- I've actually created myself my own time traveling machine that can interpolate a world line and another just to see John in his own world line. But in the end, I broke my own time traveling machine, and he let me uses his own. Consider my own time traveling machine is actually a weapon mass of destruction that can sever two - three world lines into several chunks of rotten meat.

-- You will be expecting his return soon, but I'm not allowed to say when.

-- I won't feed you people with more predictions that you guys wouldn't believe, but in the oncoming month, depending on what people you might do (and it also might change it), there will be another huge outrage on the internet (after the recent video-sharing website incident happened).

-- I did contradict myself a lot because I doubt you guys even would believe me, so these predictions I made is your choice to believe it or even not believe it.

-- As of the future, the secrets of the Area 51 would be revealed.

-- As of the 9/11 prediction, I was meant to relay that prediction he made to you people before the incident happened, but I unfortunately was busy at that point of time.

And tron1, it's actually fine for me. I'm not bothered with all of these ignorance I'm getting, even Noah himself felt the same thing.

Thank you, and as of December later, I would depart from this world line. I would stay here for another 2 - 4 weeks now.
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Time traveler fest around here! :D

Earthquake time, Russian friend time, crazy weather time. Chinese food time for the west coast. Did I mention crazy weather time? Like windy all over. Mississippi fishing time. Dead people in the Philippines time. (That's a give me!) Your a writer so tell us Water Lily. Inquiring minds what to know!
I only know little about scientific-related stuffs, but I do know a lot about the politics and the history, since I wrote a lot of books about the former and the latter. It means that I only know little about time divergences and such -- John used to tell me about it, but I keep forgetting things about it --, so I prefer to not answer questions about the former.

Regarding the confusion on how would it even possible for me to create a time traveling machine even though I only know a little about time divergences and stuff, I jotted down the inner construction of John's time traveling machine, and later then, my very own private technician and I made a duplicate of it's own engines and my technician later modified the engines a little bit, and made it into a simple time traveling machine that would actually fit in your own hands.

Regarding on how he handed me his own time traveling machine, I was meant to travel back in time to the 1963's, precisely a few weeks before the JFK assassination happened. I could've warned the president myself about the assassination, but John advised me to not do such thing, that's why I later go to the 2013 era just to collect several writing materials for my next book.

And also, could one move this thread to the "Time Travelers" section? I've felt like this thread I've started a long while ago stranded on a different section.

