Presidential ethics panel approves testing Anthrax Vax on Babies.


Senior Member
Thats right, their has not been a natural occuring event of anthrax confrimed since the 70s.. The most recent anthrax mail attacks that happened on the heels of 911 because george bush needed a body count to go with his false flag....I got away from myself.Anyways the anthrax from that attack was confrimed to of come from US labs.

So aside from fuck ups and deadly lying government.

Why is my government deadly and lying.?

Why does it wanna test anthrax vaccines on babies?

You , you here reading this, The USA lives under complete tyranny. Help.


Senior Member
Thats right, their has not been a natural occuring event of anthrax confrimed since the 70s.. Anyways the anthrax from that attack was confrimed to of come from US labs. Just look at all the deadly stuff that our friendly labs have created. They say they are looking for a cure but won't rest until they find the next pandemic. On another thread I mentioned that Meth was first developed by Japan and used during WWII...All governments are the same and are pushing to come up with the next big doomsday drug for complete control. We have the cure but you people are screwed.

So aside from fuck ups and deadly lying government. That pretty much sums it up.

Why is my government deadly and lying.? They are greedy...only thinking of their well being. To hell with the rest of us, in their opinion. Their gogd is power, money, and their own egos.

Why does it wanna test anthrax vaccines on babies? Babies are defensless, trusting, and can't say no. If they tried that shit on you or out. I wouldn't go to the hospital for anything now adays as you end up sick just by being a visitor.

You , you here reading this, The USA lives under complete tyranny. Help. I agree


Senior Member
No doubt... It is stuff like this where you start writing the embasies of cuba and venazula , and other postive but unfavored nations asking for help with asylm or resisting?....


Senior Member
It is only a matter of time, the problem is Media is against the US citizens it will not show or report on anything that could potentially cause people to wake up from the self induced sitcom coma that this population is in.

If media did a article on this or any of the other BS obama has done we would be at war with him already.


Senior Member
It is only a matter of time, the problem is Media is against the US citizens it will not show or report on anything that could potentially cause people to wake up from the self induced sitcom coma that this population is in.

If media did a article on this or any of the other BS obama has done we would be at war with him already.

The Media is a tool of the New World Order Agenda.


Senior Member
The media... is a weapon. Governments know this.... Our government has controlled our media for a long time now. In Italy Berasconi the Italian PM maintain his position forever because he owns all the he owns all Italian media..... even banned youtube for awhile because he could not control youtube. N.korea doeas. Iran. MExico. The crown.

Every nation controls its own media ... a free media is a rare thing.
