Probable futures and time travel

Max X

Junior Member
Probable futures and time travel

Is there is a fix future to cherish, or to fear?

The problem I have seen with prophecies, including time travel, is the fact that many times probable futures are not taken into consideration.

Let’s take for instance the prophecy that Obama will be murdered. Do you have to believe, deny it, get upset, or be happy about it?


Seth, who lives 500 years into the future, through his past personality as Jane Roberts in the 1960s and 70s, emphasized in his books the fact that

“You make your own reality”

What does that truth have to do with time travel, and prophecies?
That there is nothing out there, all that you live and experience is the result of your own thinking.

The fact is that there are an infinite number of realities of probable futures mean you can actually have a choice.

So you don’t have to accept and swallow any negative prophecy or belief from anyone no matter who they are or how wise they pretend to be.

It is essential to think positive and to accept as real only what is beneficial and good. Television, for instance, (all media but specially TV) is a powerful instrument in the hands of the dark forces to generate a manufactured probable reality.

Thus by maliciously manipulating the mind of millions they are able to instigate a harmful outcome. Yet you can always be alert enough to deny the abusive lie, and to affirm and believe in only what is pleasant.

Same thing happens with the Global warming hoax (created to make you feel guilty, and then impose a so-called environmental tax worldwide)

Don’t swallow the lies; accept only positive probable futures in your life.

Ascension anyone?


Junior Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Interesting post, Max. This is simplified in things like the mainstream such as the Secret, and elaborated on the more alternative "what the bleep do we know?" Ekhart Tolle touches on this also in his books, but the idea of creatively manifesting, or creating your own reality via your thoughts is nothing new.

I totally believe in it, myself. I think that quatum physics is the key here. Thoughts have energy, and that energy can manipulate matter, which is made up as the same thing as thoughts. I think there is something to it all. This is why I don't believe in pre-destiny, either. You can alter your whole life, by simply altering how you think , believe and perceive.Unfortunatly, most are unconscious of this ability, so they dont realize that their negative thoughts create much of the problems that they have.

Max X

Junior Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Very well said Risata, and pretty and colorful logo you have.:)

Even when thinkers and channelers like Seth through Jane Robets, Mary Baker Eddy, David Icke, and now hundreds of writers and lectures are also affirming what those pioneers have said, the fact of the matter is that the bulk of the population is mostly unaware of those laws of life.

Organized religion, by teaching that you have to worship something outside of yourself, is keeping millions blind to the possibilities of the power of mind to harmonize their lives.

By avoiding negative influences, especially from TV, and to daily understand ourselves as the sole creators of our lives we are thus guarding our thoughts and creating a better probable reality.


Re: Probable futures and time travel

Max X said:
Very well said Risata, and pretty and colorful logo you have.:)

Even when thinkers and channelers like Seth through Jane Robets, Mary Baker Eddy, David Icke, and now hundreds of writers and lectures are also affirming what those pioneers have said, the fact of the matter is that the bulk of the population is mostly unaware of those laws of life.

Organized religion, by teaching that you have to worship something outside of yourself, is keeping millions blind to the possibilities of the power of mind to harmonize their lives.

By avoiding negative influences, especially from TV, and to daily understand ourselves as the sole creators of our lives we are thus guarding our thoughts and creating a better probable reality.

Yeah, good stuff Risata.

If you think your thoughts have power, mind your words very carefully. The tongue is what really creates your reality.


Active Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Such a good thread Max. yes we make our own reality so much of the time and the sad thing is that we dont take the time out to know that and to be grateful.


Re: Probable futures and time travel

gonzogirl said:
We make our own reality so much of the time and the sad thing is that we dont take the time out to know that and to be grateful.
I second that !

Max X

Junior Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Hello Gonzogirl,

This thing about creating your own reality and we should be grateful to Jane Roberts who was one the pioneers who channeled that truth in 1965-1975, is very important.

Usually, when there is conflict, the human mind tendency is to blame others, the weather, etc, while the problem really has to be dealt and solved within.

Of course on this planet we have more trouble than we have bargained for because there are certain negative powers, dark forces, who are bound to enslave the world (but that is another story) and therefore we humans appear to be more aggressive and materialistic than we really are. We really are 95% good.

By the way, don’t accept or believe the lie of the so-called global warming.


Active Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Not to take away from any of the important aspects of potential that both Max X and Risata explore, but I would like to frame a more complete reference to this perspective of choice. Just because the choice of the positive exists does not negate any factual negative.

I am sure Max X has good references to support his assertion about global warming. But with the weather paterns going as they have been, I am inclined to think humans (namely our energy consumption) have effected weather patterns.

Do I believe it is the end of the world or humanity? No, certainly not. Ironically, it is a certain faith in some of the people claiming to be time travelers that has given me confidence to not be so dramatic or final in my anxiety. Do I believe it is a waste of time to recycle or flip off the light switch? To a certain extent these small measures might not matter as much for various reasons, energy consumption can get very intricate. I still ride a bike for the most part and try to limit what I purchase. It is based on the general premiss that our consumer culture with it's bottom line is not the end all of life or survival. My thoughts, love and water are much more meaningful.

What I wish to state without being drawn into a meaningless who is right or wrong about global warming (likely no one knows enough to be sure), is a person can be lying about being psychic or being a time travel but their message may be just as important none the less. Hope and faith is the ability to deal with the peril and adversity as they are, but still chose to do the right thing. There is great capacity for good in all of us, just as their is great opportunities waiting for us to explore in this world.

In analogy of what I would like to say, a chasm may seem impossible to cross. It may be deep and deadly. Denying it's existence does not make it go away. That is not how to cross it (unless you tapped your god conscious on a profound level). Having the courage to grab a vine and swing across with the possibility you might make it, that is faith and hope. Faith and hope is what give our future it's potential (as well as our present and past).​

Max X

Junior Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Hello Phoenix,

Is there is global warming or not?

There is plenty of scientific evidence from non-government scientist experts in meteorology who assure us that yes there is an increased in temperature all over the world, yet history shows the weather fluctuates, and that it had been much warmed, or unusually cold for long periods of times in past centuries.

There is a time called the Little Ice age where it was extremely cold, and a period of cooling occurring after a warmer era known as the Medieval Warm period. Some confine the Little Ice Age to approximately the 16th century to the mid 19th century.

Scientists are convinced, as I said before, increased output from the Sun is mostly responsible for the global warming that has been measured in the past 20 years.

My point is that there is global warming, yet most of it is caused by extreme changes in the sun, not by human causes. Yet the secret government pretend to charge the population with causing it, (the plan is to create a global environmental tax to enslave you more)

What we are going through now is the result of a natural fluctuation that does not have anything to do with the supposed human generated carbon dioxide. Actually Carbon Dioxide is necessary for the flora, trees breathe it and we inhale oxygen from trees.

There are two excellent DVDs with the truth about GW:

The Great Global Warming Swindle, and
Global Warming? or Global Governance?

After watching those DVDs I am totally convinced the scare of Al Gore and other naysayers is scientifically unsound. The evidence presented by independent scientists from USA, Japan, and Europe definitely proves Al Gore a big liar.

You can get those DVDs cheap at See also: Sheldon Niddle website,
Planetary Activation Organization

and Matthew Ward web site:


Active Member
Re: Probable futures and time travel

Hi Max X,

Is there is global warming or not?

Warm is a relative term; warming even more so. Global is a very large area for something so localized as a temperature. Is it warmer now because we put down asphalt which absorbs more heat during the day? Can it be cooler if we put up a pool? (Hint: how about tending to sea weed in the oceans)​

As you say, we are overcoming a little ice age. Are we now in agreement? There is global warming? Probably not what you meant. Probably wanting more to call Al Gore a liar. But here then is the problem with the question; it is subject to interpretation.​

Thank you for sharing the support you had for your assertion. I had confidence you had such support. You validated my impression. You also helped others see where you are coming from.​

I live in Southern California. Last summer got into the 120 F. I have been living here quite some time. It doesn't usely do that. Anyways I have my perspective on the issue as you have yours.​

I am reminded of a phrase in the movie Mary Popins. The Chimney Sweep, Bert, used it to describe Mr. Banks, "Not being able to see beyond the end of his nose." Beyond the nose of global warming; you wrote something very insightful about choice. I wrote something too. It was past what I wrote about global warming.​
