Project 8200 Exposed | CIA Psychics Find Alien Bases Underground


Junior Member
Besides all the details given in this broadcast, I wonder something: do remote viewers only see events or things on our actual realm or could they observe elements from parallel universes?
I ask that for it could explain why they furnish confirmed points sometimes but also undocumented or even impossible facts on other moments.
In such a case, one of the main challenges for a psychic would be distinguing between pertinent pieces of information and interesting but not useful data for it comes from other dimensions.


When I was a kid, there was this science teacher whom had a brilliant idea/imagination.

He told us about "possible mirror dimensions" and "how the image looking back at you could be, like ourselves, locked in so well with ourselves, that it appears to be nothing more than a reflection....When it just might be a window into another dimension."

I loved science class. :)

He would have liked the idea of remote viewing.


Temporal Engineer
Besides all the details given in this broadcast, I wonder something: do remote viewers only see events or things on our actual realm or could they observe elements from parallel universes?
I ask that for it could explain why they furnish confirmed points sometimes but also undocumented or even impossible facts on other moments.
In such a case, one of the main challenges for a psychic would be distinguing between pertinent pieces of information and interesting but not useful data for it comes from other dimensions.

My ears perked up when Joe McMoneagle's name was mentioned. He is on record as having remote viewed into the past on the planet Mars. He gained his remote viewing ability after dying on the operating table and being brought back to life. Almost like one could say that the part of his brain that is supposed to prevent this, no longer functioned. He almost became all seeing and all knowing.
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