Prometheus and the Ancient Astronauts


We came to talk about this during our latest chat events.

How likely is the scenario presented in the 2012 movie Prometheus? In that movie, mankind discovers clues that will lead them to a world on which our creator once lived. Several of those clues were spread across the world, all pointing to the same star system.

From there, we started to compare what was presented in the movie, to what we can see on Earth, during history. How do you feel about what we can see and understand in the movie, VS our reality? How does it compare?


What if we found this!

It seemed from there that the movie's key element wasn't so unlikely after all.

How likely is that ancient civilizations were visited and that these people were able to leave us clues, information about those visitors from the sky? Think about the pyramids, which are aligned with stars from ages ago.

What about this:

I'm wondering how an ancient civilization could come up on their own with such an object.

Same with the following:

Perhaps some of these drawings or objects were debunked, feel free to correct me on those points.

All of this put together, it seems possible that the ancient world was contacted and visited by aliens from the sky. What did they show us, what did they do? We'll try to find out. Did they create us, or were we already there? I'd sure be interested to know your take on the subject.

I also like to think about the following. How evolved would a civilization need to be in order to achieve interstellar travel and genetic engineering. Both of these, being advanced enough to spread life across the galaxy. They can't possibly be like us right now, or even like we're going to be in 200 years. A civilization would need the entirety of its resources, knowledge and potential focused on what matters to achieve such things as spreading life out there. It has to be one of the ultimate accomplishment a race can reach after a very, very long period of existence and prosperity. Those civilizations who visited us were perhaps a million years old. The level of sophistication that these civs were able to reach is, perhaps, completely beyond our grasp, back then and today.

Think about the possibilities, and share your ideas! :)


where the wild things are
Its a fascinating subject and I'm glad to see you're just as enthusiastic about it as I am. I always question how we came to exist and how we came to learn the things we know. Not modern history, I mean how did humans back then, learn how to plant crops and harvest them? How did they learn to eat, stand up, walk? Did this stuff just come normally? Is it hard wired into us, do we automatically know this?

See the thing is, we all were babies once and our parents taught us how to walk, eat, talk, go to the bathroom, etc. Human history is about learning, I doubt we just came to know it all right away. I think someone taught us. Someone guided us. How did we learn how to build? Why did we build for? Why not just live in caves?

As I said in the chat, how did the Egyptians, build the pyramids. Yes I know they built them out of stone, but how did they learn the information? Why a triangle? Why not a circle? So many questions and you don't often see anyone ever answering them. Scientists who are against Ancient Astronauts overlook those questions and immediately debunk Ancient Astronauts.

Like I said, modern humans came about around 10,000 years ago, they did learn from their ancestors. But 10,000 years and fast forward to today... We've come a long way, have we not? It may not seem like much, but here's a fun history fact for you.

The first known photograph:

It was taken in the year 1838. Which was 175 years ago. That was 64,152 days ago. (yeah i know, that doesn't seem like a whole lot and the average human lives to be about 28,000 days old)

Just under 200 years, we went to photography to what we have today. As I said... we learned a lot in 10,000 years.

In terms of what you are speakign about here, Khaos (with regards to the Pyramids), there is actually a fair bit of speculation on that point. However, it's centered on the 'pyramids' of the South American races, Aztecs, Mayans, Incas, etc. There are MANY people who believe that the Pyramid like structures in South America (some of which are believed to pre-date the Egyptian Pyramids), are far too advanced to have been created by their given races. Some believe that these Pyramids were indeed built on instruction, if not built by extraterrestrial beings.

As a footnote: This is where the plot for Indiana Jones and The Crystal Skull seems to draw it's inspiration.


Junior Member
as long as scientist tend to look at one place at a time and never try to link all the evidence (regardless if they like it or not) together i guess we will never know
about the pyramids (or better the pyramid belt)...i have to say its amazing how many are out there and the question remains where the actual connection is....sadly it doesnt seem to interest the mainstream archeology....sometimes it looks like they dont even want to know...maybe they are scared

the evidence...that there was a connection between the different cultures should be more than clear...the pyramidial shape (square khaos not triangular!) is all around the equator and was obviously used for a purpose still unknown...the fact they were used as burial grounds doesnt explain nothing...imho it only enhances the importance of them

man reaching to be closer to its creator is a logic conclusion...but why is it always the stars and the sun?...why undergo such a pain to build them using incredible manpower/energy?...most of the "modern" christian churches are build on older the meaning of the monument itself changes to the location...same counts for pyramids...why are they all build near the equator? be closer to the stars/sun?...and how did that knowledge (the equator is the closest you can get to the sun/stars from the surface)got to them...they shouldnt have known that if we go by modern scientist?

regarding the age of pyramids...its bogus in my opinion cause they cant do a carbon-14 on rock...well they can...but what does it say about the age of buildings....absolutly nothing i might as long as they try to date the age of pyramids with the contents they bear we wont get any answers about the real age of them

i have to say its always good to work with facts in science...and not fiction but if that means we are doomed in stagnation i prefer a little more fiction and common sense

here is a great google map of the known pyramids (well at least known by this guy ...and it looks like he put a lot of effort into it)
Interactive Map of Aztec, Egyptian, Inca, Mayan & Chinese Pyramids, - Google Maps
here his website with a lot more interesting maps

the question the hell did they do all of that... if we still cant do it with our tech we have right now!
we are able to leave our planet... but we cant build a pyramid?....even with them right in front of us as a blueprint?
we clearly missed a point somewhere...or the scientists are scared to enlighten us

i clearly deny the "fact" that our beeing on this planet is pure coincidence...but that could be just my human nature...i always want an explanation of everything...i guess that is what makes us so different to the rest of life on this planet (dont kill me for writing that ;-) i know about theories that there could be more inteligent life on here...but thats a different thread )

the common explanation of the "golden star fighter" posted above would be an illustration of a bird....well i got a big problem with birds having a vertical rudder
the mayan plate with the pilot is another one haunting me for 20 years...i still cant get around how he is sitting in there...and the fire coming out of the rear is just mind boggling
there are some really ancient texts in vedic sankrit describing amazing stuff but i guess i have written enough already
ancient knowledge is it real?...for me there is something out there for sure...if it comes from the outside/inside or a different dimension doesnt really matter

greets tomrat


the common explanation of the "golden star fighter" posted above would be an illustration of a bird....well i got a big problem with birds having a vertical rudder
Sorry, but no. It is explained as a stylized flying fish.
the mayan plate with the pilot is another one haunting me for 20 years...i still cant get around how he is sitting in there...and the fire coming out of the rear is just mind boggling
It depicts the Mayan king Pacal either falling through or climbing up the Mayan Tree of Life.

The Tree of Life motif shown in the carving (it's the cover of Pacal's sarcophagus) can be seen at many other Mayan sites in many contexts.
there are some really ancient texts in vedic sankrit describing amazing stuff ...
Yes, that's true.


We came to talk about this during our latest chat events.
How likely is the scenario presented in the 2012 movie Prometheus? In that movie, mankind discovers clues that will lead them

Finally saw it. EXCELLENT movie. I believe finding the origin of mankind via clues on our own planet is very plausible.
I think it would be a lot harder than the movie showed, but it could happen IMHO.


Do you believe the creators would take care of not leaving any clues behind? Would they actually want to remain unknown to us?


Do you believe the creators would take care of not leaving any clues behind? Would they actually want to remain unknown to us?

In both the movie and real life, I personally don't believe the aliens left clues. Humans recorded what they saw as art and provided clues themselves. :)


New Member
The first thing came to my mind is the orion belt which is mentioned and pictured in Egyptian pyramids. Even the location of the pyramids themselves is said to present the belt of Orion.


The first thing came to my mind is the orion belt which is mentioned and pictured in Egyptian pyramids. Even the location of the pyramids themselves is said to present the belt of Orion.
What's your theory on that matter? Do you believe Egyptians might have been in contact with extraterrestrials? In a way, that's definitely not out of the question in my opinion! :)
