Media Protests Prohibited: President Obama Signs Anti-Protest Bill


Senior Member
It feels like we are playing a game where the rules are constantly changing, making it hard for anyone to win besides the cheaters. The cheaters can take your assets, your money, jobs, and any other of the rights (you thought you had) and if you don't comply and let them is the 'go to jail' card for you. This sounds like a dictatorship to me...plain and simple.


Senior Member
it is. Now fight back. I can't kill in cold blood any better than you. But I can damn sure break windows, slash tires , glue locks, and generally harass and fatigue the system while simultaneously work to further enlighten my fellow man. POLITICAL GRAFFITI. It does not have to be very artistic but being wordy and right will take your message far.


Senior Member
Yes this will be the last time we will be able to protest our rights, Good luck even protesting near Obama as it will land your ass immediatly in jail, great coutnry we are building here hu


Temporal Engineer
I've been reading into this bill H. R. 347 and have found out that any No-Free-Speech zone has to be posted as such. Otherwise if not posted, you could unknowingly break the law. The law is only enforceable if they can prove you knowingly broke the law. So if it turns out you were arrested and accused of this kind of felony, and they couldn't prove you knew you were committing a felony because there were no signs posted to indicate it, then quite possibly there could be a hefty punitive damages lawsuit filed against the government on your behalf.

Metal Rivet

New Member
This is nothing new. You have no rights and freedoms. You only have rights and freedoms when they don't conflict with the great goal of the greedy. Dollar, dollar bills y'all. I seem to remember not that long ago we attacked and jailed the 99 %. It's just now they are coming out and putting it in bold lettering for all to read.


Active Member
History has shown us over and over again through war that; the winners choose the rules. Look at WW2. We had concentration camps just like the Nazis did. Yet we won, so nobody in America was prosecuted for it. The rich do it also. They make the rules the rest of us have to follow.

The old saying, money can't buy you happiness.. Yeah that was written by the rich to make the poor think they don't need money. The rich and powerful do control this world and make the rules. I don't care if you believe in NWO, or Illuminati or just don't believe in any of it. History has shown that rich people decide the future. Even the founding of the USA. Who were our founding fathers? Well, considering most of them had large plantations, I'll give you one guess.. They weren't POOR!
