Rainbow Joy

Re: Rainbow Joy

Oh man, hahahaha!

I can't tell if he's laughing or crying. I'm pretty sure he's on acid, I sound like that when I'm on acid.

Re: Rainbow Joy

I see these things once a year. They're not uncommon. It must have been his first experience outside in years! Poor guy has obviously been locked up for a while.

Re: Rainbow Joy

Praise The Lord & Pass the Triple Rainbow.

Here's your Brain, Here's your brain on Three Rainbows.

The guy is definitely flying in an enhanced flight path. Sounds like he's Shroomin.

Not that I'd know anything about that.

P.S. Awesome find by the by...
Re: Rainbow Joy

Hahaha, I had to come back and listen to it a second time! Oh man, whoever put this together into a song rocks my world. It just fits well that he kept sighing and moaning and it fits well as a song. They added to and made this well.
Re: Rainbow Joy

The people who made that song version are freaking geniuses. They do a thing called Auto-Tune The News. My favorites:

