re: Docs appt


Senior Member
So my doctors appt went good no foul no change. He's intrgued to why i was having these dreams and he's glad i told him about them, and that there is a way he can do something about it. He asked me if i was drinking or smoking i said no not in two years. He said the dreams could be a side affect from a recovering fas baby. fetal alcohol syndrome. No i am definately not retarded far from it. my iq is very high they can't even get a number on in. My height same, weight, almost ten pounds from last year, sleep too afraid too. But I do anyways. Not paranoid either. I have been reading alot stuff but that doesn't accumulate to what i dream of. according to the doc. He goes there's someone taking care of you not from here. They are talking to you through dream's. I go so why didn't you tell me this in the first place when I first had the pacemaker implant. We were afraid you would want it out. Great!


Ya know Tron1,

From my stand point as a paranormal investigator I would direct you toward a specific crystal called Black Tourmaline. It has remarkable abilities to transmute energy. Often times low level vibrational energy can cause bizarre Lucid and repetitive dreams. This crystals properties could help you if you keep it near you. I will warn you if you get some, people who are "Sensitives" may find it gets hot or feels like it burns them to touch.


Black Tourmaline seems like a very interesting crystal. Maybe I'll think about getting one of them one day.

@CDS, do you happen to have one of those? If so, can you show us?

@Tron1 Feel free to let us know if you want us to discuss that crystal in another thread. While it's related, as it's a suggestion to keep your body and mind healthy and safe, we don't want to hijack your thread either ya know.


Senior Member
i think someone had crystals and smashed white crystals near me and turned bad energy as well.. that could be done as well


This is Black Tourmaline


I wear a small piece along with Purple Amethyst, both wrapped with silver. The Tourmaline is on the left.


The best place for a crystal is in your aura. :cautious:


Senior Member
Yep Tron... Crystals period seem to resonate at a lower vibrational energy that just seem to bog down the spirit energy. I can't imagine having one shattered/smashed near me. Eek goodness. Poor thing! White I can tolerate. Pink I can tolerate more. But still... they are way too buzzy.

I have found high frequency sounds work better, if they are pure without static.
If you want a very good source of high frequency sounds without any static problems, you can use a free one called, Online Tone Generator...It has sine square triangular and bi-naural sounds..I use this myself now :cool::)


Senior Member
Just to catch up to date in this, I went four day's with no sleep. I finally found out what was keeping me up and my dog going nuts in my room. It was because of one medication I wasn't taking that I forgot about to even take by accident. She knows and very much care's about me. My mother told me she's been going up to my room and not getting off my bed. I thought it was entities. But she was stranger than that. She has calmed down since then I try to keep her calm when I come in from my program.
