Reading Minds in Locale One- OBE

Carl Miller

Active Member
Aryendris, i have three wonderful daughters that still depend on me. If i had to choose, dear, i would choose being right here. It is all about love. You know you mentioned your mother the moments you spend with her right here right now are precious. Why thinkimg about tomorrow? Live the present moment. It is a present a gift to you.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Does the incarnated spirit reside willingly in his corporeal envelope?

"You might as well ask whether a prisoner willingly remains locked up in prison. The incarnated spirit aspires incessantly after his deliverance; and the grosser his envelope, the more desirous is he to be rid of it."

This is a quote from the Spirits Book by Alan Kardec.
i relate to this book cause it corroborates what i have experienced so far.

We are all connected to a certain spirit group. We are continuously influencing and being influenced.

As to the fear of being abducted remember that nothing happens by chance. Of course i am not denying the possibility of obsession or abduction.
Nothing to be afraid of. By the way if you have broken the laws of nature whatever you did wrong will come back to you.
Since you have a light conscience why fearing abduction from ETs or entities devoted to evil?

Carl Miller

Active Member
The following day at work I told my friend & drew out the symbol to see if she knew what it was, or had seen it. She said she thought it was a Wiccan symbol. I searched the internet & soon found it. It was the Triquetra symbol. Aryeandris.

Please do not jump into fast conclusions regarding Wicca or any other esoteric society. IDK Wicca but i know they probably know of the existence of the free will and the law of karma. We cannot judge what we do not know.


Active Member
It was a wicca symbol. It was the triquetra. I had never ever seen it before & that's what it was. Idk what it means or doesn't mean. I wasn't judging at all. Its just the symbol I saw.
I don't fear E.T 's either, I am curious.
As for breaking laws of nature, idk what u mean. If I have it wasn't on purpose.


Active Member
I have a questions for you Carl miller? did you ever went to heaven and hell realm when you have out of body? also did you time travel while you out of body? last question is this can you see someone future or not. write back.


Active Member
Perhaps you should know that I have been chased by a dark force all my life. I believe since before birth even, when I was dying inside my mom.
On the opposite side, I have also been pursued by good.
I already know what happens to me after this. I have been told. I'm not worried.

Carl Miller

Active Member
It was a wicca symbol. It was the triquetra. I had never ever seen it before & that's what it was. Idk what it means or doesn't mean. I wasn't judging at all. Its just the symbol I saw.
I don't fear E.T 's either, I am curious.
As for breaking laws of nature, idk what u mean. If I have it wasn't on purpose. Aryeandris

i know you were not judging. i only teased you into clarifying you had not meant to involve Wicca. i did it on purpose so that you wouldn't be misinterpretted further on by anyone.
You might not remember having broken the cosmic law. If you have caused suffering to someone in a previous life, yesterday's perpetrator can be a victim today.

I have a questions for you Carl miller? did you ever went to heaven and hell realm when you have out of body? also did you time travel while you out of body? last question is this can you see someone future or not. write back. Secretman381

Yes, i have already visited 'hell', the most incorrect word, and also been to 'heaven'.
Yes i have experienced time travel.
I intend to open a thread on 'heaven and hell and another one discussing 'time travel' without nonsence sticking to practicalities.
Thank you for the suggestions.

Perhaps you should know that I have been chased by a dark force all my life. I believe since before birth even, when I was dying inside my mom.
On the opposite side, I have also been pursued by good.
I already know what happens to me after this. I have been told. I'm not worried. Aryeandris

Nothing happens by chance. Your curiosity about experiencing other dimensions of consciousness is a power working on your behalf. Alternatively fear hinders your progress. Further on i will discuss fear.

No one is perfect we all have broken cosmic laws in the current existence and also in past lives. The victim being challenged to forgive and let go. The other side the perpetrator now undergoing obsession.

'So if you've read all about spirituality, channelers, etc. they all mention that souls create a contract before they enter the physical world. Two or more souls layout the game plan about what they are going to do and how they will affect each others lives. Each soul also lays out a plan on what he/she would like to experience in their life. Now my question is how many people (souls) actually adhere to the contract?

I was reading this one book where a woman was abused by an unknown man. The man's soul wanted to repay the karmic debt and agreed to be the woman's father in the next life. He would care for her and be a loving father. But in the next life the man repeated his violent behavior. He was again abusive and violent. So the contract in this case was broken.

I was wondering how many contracts are broken like this? If the percentage is in double digits, it is concerning to me how this world is able to operate and how many lives are wasted.'

Having broken contract attracts obsession. i am not doing cold reading on your case. I write to myself first. i do not do readings unless i am entitled by the spirituality. They allowed me to disclose my experiences only. If i have my own way disobeying my guides i may be reprimanded.
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Carl Miller

Active Member
More details on OBE (out of the body experience)

we have a feeling that the bed is vibrating as if a cel. phone.
Sleep paralysis is the sign that the etheric body is realy to leave and it is out of coincidence but still clung to the physical body and then one starts to perceive noises that can seem incredibly loud what terrorizes the newcomer.
No matter how loud the noises appear to be, there's no record indicating that someone has exploded. The hissing only shows that energy is being released is being wasted and time is approaching to attempt a complete separation. BUT WHILE VIBRATIONS ARE ON IT IS DEFINITELY NOT ADVISABLE TO TRY A SEPARATION.
Let the vibrations calm down and the noise stops and then you may try rotation, sinking the twin body down the bed, wiggering missing limbs and so on. It is not sufficient to be out of the body, one must have a goal to reach.


Active Member
You're saying that one can't just project out of their body, but its a step by step process where u have to take your time??
