Real prediction


Junior Member
Real prediction

I know John Titor predicted Russia's nuclear strike, but that has been predicted hundreds of times for 40 years. I must say, within the near future there will be a nuclear war, and billions will be killed. As Albert Einstein once said: "I know not what weapons will be used to fight World War III, but I know that World War IV will be faught with sticks and stones. A great peice of Philosophy there, and it pains me to say, it is true.
Real prediction

Rug in all of the predictions I collected here. Not one of them talked about a nuclear war with Russia, though all most all of the predictions turned out wrong unless they were some astronomical event. Can you please reference where the Russia nuclear war of 2015 is predicted else where.

Real prediction

According to literary fictions standards, if something is presented in a story (like a gun for instance) it should be used before the story is over. Well, there are more than a few nukes in the world......

Real prediction

Originally posted by Phoenix@Jun 15 2004, 02:14 PM
Rug in all of the predictions I collected here. Not one of them talked about a nuclear war with Russia, though all most all of the predictions turned out wrong unless they were some astronomical event. Can you please reference where the Russia nuclear war of 2015 is predicted else where.

That wesbite has basically everything you would need to know about JT.
Real prediction

I am aware of the John Titor website but why do you think the 2015 prediction is any way more valid than anything else Titor said?
Real prediction

I do not believe so. I am saying that with all of the nukes in the world, and the conflicts going around, a nuclear war is bound to come.
Real prediction

I think what you were saying was only that it has been anticipated that Russia would attack the US with nuclear weapons over the last 40 years and not specifically the 2015 date. Was that what you were trying to say?
Real prediction

Originally posted by Phoenix@Jun 18 2004, 05:08 AM
I think what you were saying was only that it has been anticipated that Russia would attack the US with nuclear weapons over the last 40 years and not specifically the 2015 date. Was that what you were trying to say?
