Real problems with time travel


New Member
For all those that claim to have physically traveled in time.
How do/did you get around the problem of becoming a fixed point in the universe?
When you travel through time, you can't move your position in the universe until the event has ended. Since the Earth, Solar System, Galaxy, everything in the universe is constantly moving. When the event has passed, regardless of how far you move in time. The Earth and yourself are in two different locations, obviously.
As soon as we knew how fast the Earth, solar system & galaxy moves in space. We are able to calculate where the Earth was at any point in the past. Just as where the Earth will be at any point in the future. (though one of the biggest dangers with moving forward in time are the unknowns, like any debris that will be in your position at the destination point) So calculating the departure and destination point isn't that hard.
So you also need a vehicle that can travel in space & be capable of entering an atmosphere. Where generating a gravitational bubble seems like the the most versatile solution. That itself raises a whole bunch of other problems to get past.
If one was trapt/ piloting from inside the event horizon , and the event horizon gets their first obliterating all outside the horizon while containing all inside the horizon , seems to me a logical way to do it. Just gotta make sure you got something that can monitor the gravity and follow its path so as to not appear miles away in some trees.

The big problem with time travel is we don't have a reliable idea of what time actually is. Your idea of connecting time with spatial location is pure speculation.
Time itself is nothing. It has no constant to follow since life on another planet would have a completely different concept of time. Like there's no chance of another planet in the universe. (if we traveled to it) Where we would have exactly the same concept of time. Due to the size and mass of that planet, it's own gravitational force, the speed it rotates. The speed it moves around it's sun, the suns gravitational forces and even the gravitational forces of the galaxy it's in, etc. Since the slightest variation in any one of those things would change the equation in comparison to being on our Earth. Time however can be used as a form of measurement.
Yes, linking time with spacial location is speculation. It is the most probable conclusion in regards to pinpointing specific moments over a measurement of time. Since the one constant in measuring with time, is movement.
Take the Earth as an example. There has never been or will there ever be a moment in 'time', that the Earth is in exactly the same location twice.
Lets assume we can move forward and backwards in time, but only on Earth....The actual point or area we move from, is therefore our spatial reference, for returning to...We dont have to worry about gravity because its always been there on our Earth, and what ever is outside of our Earth (the universe) will be exactly the same as it was or would be, when we either travel backwards or forwards in time..

I`m taking my idea from H.G.Wells book, The-Time-Machine, and how the movie of that name portrayed the Time-Machine moving in time, but always from the same spot that the guy in the Time-Machine started from, which was his own room...However, travelling into other "Dimensions" would be very different (y):D...Beware of the Morlocks :eek::D..

Yes, linking time with spacial location is speculation. It is the most probable conclusion in regards to pinpointing specific moments over a measurement of time. Since the one constant in measuring with time, is movement.
Take the Earth as an example. There has never been or will there ever be a moment in 'time', that the Earth is in exactly the same location twice.

I have to disagree. The Michelson Morley showed there is no motion of the earth at all through space. We know motion does exist on the earth and can prove so with interferometers. Yet those same interferometers are still used today to show the same results as Michelson - Morley produced. So no one has come up with additional facts to show why that is so. With the facts so far, it's almost as if time is merely a local phenomena. Perhaps a component of matter.
I have to disagree. The Michelson Morley showed there is no motion of the earth at all through space. We know motion does exist on the earth and can prove so with interferometers. Yet those same interferometers are still used today to show the same results as Michelson - Morley produced. So no one has come up with additional facts to show why that is so. With the facts so far, it's almost as if time is merely a local phenomena. Perhaps a component of matter.
The Earth moves around the sun at about 30km per second. Our solar system moves around the galaxy at about 228,000km. The universe is in a state of expansion, at around 67km per second. With the universe expanding, our entire galaxy is moving too. Thus the position of the Earth is constantly changing.
If your going to actually believe that the Earth doesn't move in space. Then I have to ask. Do you believe the Earth is flat? I'm not trying to be rude. But, the Michelson Morley theory is flawed and it's conclusions are wrong.
The only argument that could be made to give time some substance, is that it's a byproduct of gravity. As I've already mentioned, time has no constant. If you lived on Mars then a day for you would be 39 minutes, 35 seconds longer than a day on Earth. From Mars though, a day on Earth ends 39 minutes, 35 seconds sooner.
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Lets assume we can move forward and backwards in time, but only on Earth....The actual point or area we move from, is therefore our spatial reference, for returning to...We dont have to worry about gravity because its always been there on our Earth, and what ever is outside of our Earth (the universe) will be exactly the same as it was or would be, when we either travel backwards or forwards in time..

I`m taking my idea from H.G.Wells book, The-Time-Machine, and how the movie of that name portrayed the Time-Machine moving in time, but always from the same spot that the guy in the Time-Machine started from, which was his own room...However, travelling into other "Dimensions" would be very different (y):D...Beware of the Morlocks :eek::D..

Which brings me back to my original post. To time travel you would have to, in part, remove yourself from all gravitational forces. By not doing that you'll be staying where the Earth is at that period of time. For instance the position of the Earth 100 years ago compared to it's current location. Works out to be around 2.8 trillion km over only a 100 year period. That's a big problem.
