Realizing that you are dreaming


Junior Member
I gotta say that was no doubt one of the weirdest dreams I have had because I was aware that I was in a dream and I have noticed the times before when I realized I was in a dream I would wake up instantly
This is called Lucid Dreaming and there's lots of posts/info on the internet about it. You can practice it and actually control your dreams when you realize you are dreaming. I have brought people into my dreams, flown, talked to people who've passed on....its definitely a weird form of dreaming and its rare to do spontaneously, and it doesn't always work when you try and make it happen, but for many people, getting up early in the morning then going back to bed a few hours later helps to encourage it. Not sure why, body chemistry stuff.


Junior Member
I just found this thread and so I decided to grapple this opportunity to share an advice. According to my own experience, if an individual asks you during a lucid dream of yours to join them into their own dreamland, firmly refuse! I mean, you handle the process if you stay in your realm while if you accept such kind of offer the other part can abuse of their predominant position to manipulate you. I experimented it and I did not want nobody else could suffer it! Besides, I precise this advice only works for human tricksters; if the manipulator is an entity, they would be able to enter into your dreamland by force anyway.


New Member
I had a dream not long after my Mother died (miss you Mutti), where we were sitting in the snug (think smaller living room, it's what we called it anyway) where I was a bit baffled as she was still alive. I got really upset as I told her she was dead. We both started crying & hugging each other. I can't remember much else, except that it was a really beautiful yet highly emotional charged moment that I've just remembered thanks to your post.

I kinda look at it like a gift, that I was able to speak to her again, even though it was upsetting for both of us. Like your dream, it felt extremely lucid and very real.


New Member
Over the years i have had a few lucid dreamms. Usually it would start as a normal non-lucid dream. Then something happens. My reaction to it, is that can't be happening. Therefore i must be dreaming. Either i would waste the dream. By arguing with a character in the dream, about it being a dream. Or i would try to do something. Like fly. At that point i would wake up.

I have also had what i call parallel universe dreams. In those dreams i see myself doing things i have never done in this universe. Yet, i had the feeling during and after the dream that what i saw in the dream actually happened. Just not in this universe.

Then there are some weird memories i have had. They felt like real memories, until i examined them. At that point i realized that there was no possible way that those memories could have really happened in this universe. Iow those were dreams that felt so real, i remembered them. As though they actually happened.
