Recipe Swap
Finally remembered to talk to the wife about honey recipies. Baklava popped out of the top of her head. There are many recipies for Baklava with a google search for "Baklava recipe" The wife also says it's very easy to make. The hard part is leaving it alone for the 4 hours usually recommended before eating it. There's also a site that has a lot of recipies using honey. Hope this helps.
Originally posted by Snow Fire Watches@Aug 28 2004, 12:21 PM
Gooey Butter Chess Cake sounds great! Is that supposed to be cheese cake? Just wondering . . .
I need a recipe that uses lots of honey. I was gifted with about half a gallon of honey - fresh, natural and delicious - but I don't know how I will ever go through it all. The guy who gave it to me told me I could freeze it - that is one thing I sure never knew - consider that my tip of the decade.
So - any tried and true honey using recipes out there you guys?
Finally remembered to talk to the wife about honey recipies. Baklava popped out of the top of her head. There are many recipies for Baklava with a google search for "Baklava recipe" The wife also says it's very easy to make. The hard part is leaving it alone for the 4 hours usually recommended before eating it. There's also a site that has a lot of recipies using honey. Hope this helps.