Rehash time traveling while linked to Semjase


Senior Member
What this re=accounting is, is a telling of the technical of going back on the average of 165 million years ago as a result of being co-joined bio-genetically-linked with the Pleiadean cosmonaut Semjase. Her name is said Sem-ya-zee, which I believe by Billy and my own experience with one of Semjase's contacts, is how you say her name. semjase and billy meier - Bing

My going through the complete phases of rejoining occurred in mid April 1982.This was in mid Washington State at a undisclosed town. At that time I was in the midst of the bio-genetic-telepathic transfer of what made up Semjase being by the majesty of nature being uploaded into me. My particulars I feel at maybe a different time were already being loaded into her genetic makeup. So this was a two-way street, as far as the exchange of information was going.

From what I remember being in the single-wide trailer or mobile home, is that I was drawn out, kind of in a daze. I barely had enough strength to stand and was bed ridden for about a week during the transfer process. But I remember being in a tee-shirt and underwear going to the kitchen for aspirin and a piece of white bread. After I washed down the aspirin with water I turned from where the sink was in the middle or the trailer and began to walk to the bedroom to get back in bed.

I don't know then to my thinking what I was experiencing or what was wrong with me. I made it as far as to beside the hall closet door before falling to my knees. It was then while I was on my knees, that it seemed a second set of internal vision of some sort took over and I could see thick green foliage in front of me. I could also sense, smell the air which was a thick rich atmosphere, but with this second sight I could make pout a small trail that went through the jungle thicket, to a clearing in the distance ahead of me.

What I was visualizing at that point, was no longer in my circumference of sensory awareness inside of the mobile home. It was another time

I heard animal sounds near by and the below of what I'm guessing were dinosaurs. I knew instinctively that Billy and Semjase were nearby, but my body was in Earth's twenty century, but my mind was in phase with 20 or more millions of years ago. What pulled me there, was Semjase's status as my fraternal twin. There was nothing I could physically do to alter this situation. I just had to endure it. Do not know the era they went back to, maybe Jurassic or cretaceous? I do know that it was really far back in time.!&&p=db1a...yZWUtYWdlcy1vZi1kaW5vc2F1cnMtMTA5MTkzMg&ntb=1

Before the time travel link broke, I could focus in on the vegetation that was in front of me. It was thick and heavy, with large plants and they were of a dark green color. I could feel the ground too and this was a soft matting of dirt. with plant debris in it. The air was heavy, so this factor was also affecting me breathing.

When I snapped out of this brief time travel and I'm estimating seven to ten minutes, I then entered the bedroom and went back to sleep. When I came out of this adjustment period, I was then with my partner and told her, because of the extent Semjjase's body had reencoded me, that "I don't feel like I'm from around here". My complaint was noted by her.

I went to walk up to the post office and the first human I saw was a lady driving a car to a stop sign. I must have been heavily influenced as the woman and I'm not saying this to be rude, or hurtful, seemed as if it were a female chimpanzee in a dress, driving that car. I was frightened. I could remember how to get to the post office, but had looked at everyone as if they were going to hurt me or were dangerous..

It took me about a week to dementalize and about two months to get use to people from my time and galactic community.

*Semjase had experienced an accident, but had made contacts of a telepathic nature with a Brittan to USA transplant lady, that lived on an Oregon based community. She was giving a talk at Spokane Community College and I caught her by phone there. She had mentioned she had these contact with a Pleiadean early in the morning. She enjoyed them and they would laugh.

Then, I didn't know how to say her name and was still referring to her as Sem-jase. In the context of conversation before the call was ended, she referred to her name as being Sem-ya-zee. Not more than a minute after I hung up wishing her well, it dawned on me that the name Sem-jase, was pronounced Sem-ya-zee. I then got it through my head that someone other than Billy Meier had met my fraternal sister.

*This said testament is for anyone to use as a guide if in some way they're forced into time travel unexpectedly, which can occur, sometimes with gravity shifts over a meteorite.

Other notes. Photographic pictures from other times are forbidden to bring back. While illustrations are allowed, exact pictures are not. This is due to the fish-hook phenomenon of timeline distortion, which occurs when you take a picture and it disturbs the timeline you've brought it back to.

This is why Billy Meiers said pictures of the dinosaur era, were fakes. They weren't allowed to be actual photographs. Thank you

Other notes. The nature of the bio-genetic-telepathic link was strong. However the delivery of this information was segmented in its delivery, through parcels of time. 2.I suspect that how this misappropriation of contact occurred, was due to not taking all the variables necessary in order for her to come to Earth. I don't know why Semjase time traveled with Billy Meier, may be this was either to display their abilities, maybe to show off, or possibly something to do with me. I don't know to this day? 3. I care for my fraternal twin sister, love her I suppose. 4 Our genetic fraternal twins cells goes back to a land that was once above the sea. For security purposes, this is all I'm permitted to say.
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Senior Member
Other note, theory: I'm wondering after all I've gone through on the Billy Meier Pleiadeans appearance if in some way the Pleiadeans with what one would term as a family member, all of a sudden showing up wasn't planned. The reason I say so is that her time traveling unraveled my resistance to the junk vampire plagues of the 16-1700s, activating an alleled gene.

Although I feel alright, I'm wondering if taking part of my spirit soul complex back that far, could have further affected my modern day genetic stance. So this brings up the question was some of the things that Semjase had done were fraternally centered?

Just a suspicion, probably better left unsaid. But you know what the say about parents who tend to drop their babies too much. Thank you. Lamdo


Senior Member
Ongoing could this happen to you again?

Could/does this happen to others but they arent aware of this till some time down the track for a specific reason:)?


Senior Member
Mayhem said >
Ongoing could this happen to you again?
Could/does this happen to others but they aren't aware of this till some time down the track for a specific reason:)? /

Lamdo answer> I think they're done with me, but it's being caught off kilter when I wasn't in my best form. This was a significant life change and I had little option but to just go through it. Nobody could see inside of me to see what I was going through, so this is why I published this say.

On can jump into other realties and can they occur, either by displacement devices, or say gravity waves over a buried meteorite? Yes' this happens all the time. So this is why I left this as a resource. The battle to find one's right social equilibrium is different when part of that battle's being fought inside of you. This is with the question of what one has know to be normal and right as hung in the balance as a bargaining chip.

Time displacement can occur naturally. There's also the 411 with David Paulides where some on hiking trails say their entire surroundings started to morph around them into another dimension. But this may have been by a device. Thank you!

The Accidental Time Travel Incident with Marie Antoinette



Senior Member
Ongoing could this happen to you again?

Could/does this happen to others but they arent aware of this till some time down the track for a specific reason:)?
One of the more human things that's occurred to my thinking since the Pleiadeans are obviously part of my family root now, is the feeling how could they leave me this way, upsetting my life and then without repair not come and aid me? I guess this goes into feelings of self-worth. Yes, it's a thought that I've had on the more emotionitive side.


Active Member
One of the more human things that's occurred to my thinking since the Pleiadeans are obviously part of my family root now, is the feeling how could they leave me this way, upsetting my life and then without repair not come and aid me? I guess this goes into feelings of self-worth. Yes, it's a thought that I've had on the more emotionitive side.
Well I was visit by grey and reptiles alien type but I think they took something from me so now
