Remote viewing.
Has anybody on this website ever done any remote viewing? I tried it with very mixed results. So please give your experiences here.
I am studying it now but am still new. What I can tell you is that very shortly after beginning, I had an event that confirmed something I had apparently "remote viewed" previously, but not formally. Meaning to say, it was information that came to me while visualising a goal, that I had no way of knowing and thought I had just "imagined". When I took steps toward actually learning remote viewing, the incident happened that showed me it was true.
Also, about a week or so before beginning, I began to awaken at a certain time of night, that is not usual for me, and for no apparent reason.
After beginning remote viewing exercises, it came to light that this time was something very significant.
I'm not sure why these things happened
before I started, rather than after. Maybe my subconscious mind wanted to prove to me that it worked, so I would work at it and not give up. I have heard of many people having instant results with remote viewing, but I don't know of anyone who has had, what I guess I'll call
pre-results, but I'm sure I can't be the only one.
Can you share some of your "mixed" results with us? I haven't found too much conversation on this forum about remote viewing, so I'd be interested to hear from anyone who has tried it or had experiences with it of any kind.