Researchers Prove Existence Of Antiproton Radiation Belt Around Earth


Italian researchers using data from the satellite PAMELA have proven that theories showing there ought to be a ring of antiprotons encircling the Earth due to cosmic rays colliding with nuclei in the upper atmosphere are correct. Piergiorgio Picozza from the University of Rome, Tor Vergata, and a host of colleagues have published the results of their findings in arXiv.

Physicists have theorized that the constant stream of cosmic rays (generally comprised of protons, electrons and helium nuclei) generated by the sun and other little understand sources must produce a shower of sorts of smaller particles when they collide with other nuclei in the Earth’s upper atmosphere and break apart. Some of those smaller particles have been assumed to be antiprotons, many of which would be annihilated when colliding with particles of ordinary matter. Those particles that don’t collide with ordinary matter however, should remain in the atmosphere, forming a belt, called the Van Allen radiation belt, around the planet. It’s this belt that the researchers set out to prove existed, which would in turn prove the whole theory to be correct.

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Junior Member
Be dangerous to enter into that belt :eek:
