Rotating Gravity Field


New Member
Hmm of course experiment trumps theory and I'm not sold on relativity being the most rational theory.

That's interesting that light's frequency would be affected by gravity yet radio waves from GPS are not. If relativity were correct the frequency should change based on distance just as the rate of time has been proven to change when measured with atomic clocks.

Perhaps, it's a waste of time to look for a solution with relativity considering this is the common theory and it hasn't produced many results experiment wise. I think new perspective is needed.. I can't overlook the fact that massive amounts of charge is transferred from the sun to the earth and this seen with the aurora borealis. Electrostatic forces must come into play and it seems to be a much ignored force in astrophysics. I've watched a video of an astronaut showing how droplets of water orbit a statically charged object, in a zero gravity environment, similar to how planets orbit the sun and it is mesmerizing. My intuition keeps telling me there must be a connection somehow.


Temporal Engineer
With GPS the radio wave frequencies do change. But relativity wasn't used to calibrate the clocks on board the GPS sattelites. The clocks are periodically updated with a ground station. Civilian use is only accurate to around a meter. But military use updates the clocks more frequently to allow for an accuracy rate of + or - a millimeter.

Atomic clocks are only accurate in a stable non-moving enviroment. They tick faster when further away from a gravitational body. Verified! But supposedly they click slower in the presence of an inertial force. That is a relativity prediction. I'm not so apt to believe that, since no data has been gathered outside the presence of a gravitational body to verify it.

The problem with atomic clocks is that it hasn't been shown that there is a connection to the time force.

I can show that a digital watch will tick faster when held close to a Tesla coil in operation. But no effect at all on a mechanical watch. Yet a quartz driven mechanical movement watch is very susceptable to AC magnetic fields.

So it appears that time behaves differently depending on the individual type of force being used to generate the time base.

It seems to me that one must master the use of the individual forces in order to access the time force. Quite possibly this would be a device utilizing a phased synchronized relationship between all of the basic forces.

If you're interested, I have a simple thought experiment that simply destroys relativity and Newton's laws in one fell swoop. After which you will probably look at theories with a grain of salt from that point on.


Senior Member
The predictions of General Relativity have been confirmed thousands of times over the years, and the necessities involved regarding satellites being further out of the Earth's gravity well are known and accounted for.

Also, there is no difference between light and radio waves. Except frequency of course. What applies to one applies to the other.



Temporal Engineer
The predictions of General Relativity have been confirmed thousands of times over the years, and the necessities involved regarding satellites being further out of the Earth's gravity well are known and accounted for.

Also, there is no difference between light and radio waves. Except frequency of course. What applies to one applies to the other.


After seeing what the scientific community did with the data from gravity probe B, I would have to say that what gets released from the scientific community nowadays is pure hogwash.


New Member
I'd be interested in hearing your thought experiment Einstein.

My latest thoughts have been about what makes up space itself and I think we can get clues of this by considering how electromagnetic waves propogate. In order for electricity, as radio waves, to be able to transmit through space, it makes sense to me that space would be a sort of dielectric medium. For electricity to create waves in a medium there would have to be a material that resists electric/magnetic movement yet also preserve it (polarization of a dielectric). Just as the air and water are dielectrics which can be influenced by sound, I think in this case nature may follow suit. If space is indeed a dielectric that can be polarized, then with this knowledge we can manipulate it. I think this idea fits well with the work of T.T. Brown with asymmetric capacitors and Eugene Podkletnov with rotating super conductors/capacitors. What if gravity is directed with charge? Or maybe very high frequencies of EM are capable of moving this fine medium..

On another note, the sun is a massive ball of electric energy eminating charge to the whole solar system. It has been proven that the charge reaches the earth so what effect does it have on the system? Perhaps, the sun is oscillating the very medium of space and forming peaks and valleys which the planets' orbits fall into. It would be like how you can form ripples in a liquid using audio frequencies. And like with audio frequencies, you could create pressure systems and cause the medium to pass around an object. This is why a gravity or time device should repel EM waves in my opinion. Also, the strength of an EM field needed to move space would probably be a huge amount but it could be compensated for by its speed or frequency. Thus my reasons for rotating an EM field to induce a gravity field.

Anyways, I think understanding what space is could lead us to discovery. If we can change the density of space or the rate at which atoms operate in space, then we will have time dialtion. Traveling to the future would be very possible. Still not sure about the past.. Thanks for bearing with my crazy mind dump. Feel free to join in ;)


Temporal Engineer
I'd be interested in hearing your thought experiment Einstein.

The experiment involves using the concept of weight instead of mass. In physics there is very little reference to weight. In fact there is a belief that gravitational weight and inertial weight is the same thing. Einstein incorporates that belief into his Principal of Equivalence. But in physics the concept of mass is used exclusively with no regard to what kind of weight the mass originates from. It's like we are being led to believe that there is only one type of force.

So my idea was to take an electric car to the moon and see if it would accelerate faster on a road built for its use on the moon. Since the mass would be the same. Using physics that we are taught in school, the car should accelerate just the same. But on the moon the weight of the car is 1/6 what it is here on earth. And we can prove experimentally here on earth that if we cut the weight of the car down to 1/6 of what it is, the car will indeed accelerate faster. So my prediction would be that the car on the moon would accelerate faster because it weighs less. But that would screw up the concept of mass that we are taught in school. Totally invalidating its use.

Now if the car does accelerate just the same on the moon as it does here on earth, then this experiment would show that gravitational weight and inertial weight are completely independant of one another. Totally invalidating Einstein's Principal of Equivalence. That would suggest that mass would also be different for each type of basic force as well.


New Member
Hmm Ive been thinking a lot about this thought experiment. Honestly, im having hard time forming a response. I've talked with a person who just went through a university level physics class and they are sure that the car would accelerate the same.

(Edit: I am somewhat dumbfounded, I keep going back and forth and that's why it has taken me so long to respond haha)
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Senior Member
@Justinvincible To achieve escape velocity, the minimum speed of an object has to be around 25000 miles per hour to escape the gravitational attraction of our planet...I see you edited your posting lol ;):D
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Temporal Engineer
Hmm Ive been thinking a lot about this thought experiment. Honestly, im having hard time forming a response. I've talked with a person who just went through a university level physics class and they are sure that the car would accelerate the same.

(Edit: I am somewhat dumbfounded, I keep going back and forth and that's why it has taken me so long to respond haha)

Yes, I was taught the same as your friend. But the answer taught is a prediction based on a belief. Reality usually doesn't work that way. The prediction has to be verified first. Then it could be taught as fact.

Einstein's theory of relativity is assembled out of beliefs. So invalidating just one belief from the theory invalidates the whole theory. The theory is inconsistant with the concept of mass.

Of course the concept of mass has its own problems as well.

I just wanted to point out that a time machine will never be built out of beliefs. So assmebling a body of facts to work from would probably be the correct path to follow.


Senior Member
Perhaps Gravity can be generated using Higgs Boson.....just a thought...There are about six Higgs Boson I of them could work....
