Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?

walt willis

Senior Member
Hi Einstein. Here is the link I copied from and pasted above. I am not the record keeper of that site nor am I affiliated with in in any way.
John Titor - Civil War

I hope this helps answer any questions you may have. Have a nice day and stay safe.

Yes, good reading for those that don't know the story.

Over here on our time line we seem to have an ET infestation problem. Seems they are the main instigators behind much of the corruption going on. It's highly unlikely that any nation on earth could launch a nuclear attack. Since we've already been conquered and occupied by the ET's.

Timeline slimeline!

First things first... Let us begin with "Time".

We perceive time as a way to conduct ourselves in an orderly way, but time don't care what we think.

Not all life forms are the same as us humans that rely on the order of time just as not all life forms rely
on burning things to propel themselves through space either.

It is hard for us humans to think outside that box, but do so we must if we are ever going to understand the cosmos.

I know it is hard for you "Einstein" to accept reports of strange things, but if you listen long enough you may
have an epiphany of insight as to the nature of time and space relative to our existence.

Art Bell loved to explore the idea of time travel because of the implications it has to our very existence and to the power it would give to the
beings that have mastered the ability to travel in time.

Now on to the concern you have expressed about John Titor's assertion of a world at war.
Our time in history can be altered somewhat by the activity of time travelers and that ripple effect will
travel into our future as well.
Now the time line has forever changed until another time traveler visits our history again, and so on...
Now we have an alternate time line to deal with and what might have happen in the first time line may be put off
to another date or not even happen at all.

Clear as mud?

You don't mess with mother nature without pissing off the bitch!


Temporal Engineer

I know it is hard for you "Einstein" to accept reports of strange things, but if you listen long enough you may
have an epiphany of insight as to the nature of time and space relative to our existence.

I usually don't accept anything I can't verify personally. But it is fun to entertain some of the stories I run across. Ever been to the Mystery Spot? It's a place where the dimensions of length change right before your eyes. I've been there. So I believe. But unless you experience a change in height yourself, it is a very difficult thing to accept.

I'm exploring how to build a time machine. Nobody really cares. But I'll bet lots of people build them. Ever wonder how dead celebrities come miraculously back to life? Maybe somebody went back in time to prevent a drug overdose. There are sightings of Michael Jackson every now and then. Lots of celebrities appear to dodge the bullet that way. Seems the entertainment industry can hook you up to time travel if the need arises.

From my viewpoint, it seems like more effort is being put into changing the past. And it is obvious that physical changes are taking place. The question in my mind is who is responsible for creating the changes. I think there are multiple factions at work changing the past.

As for nuclear war? It's not possible. I seem to recall a story of a demonstration by an ET craft that a nuclear warhead was disabled while in flight by the ET craft with on board lasers. Apparently the ET's aren't going to let us exterminate ourselves that way.

And then there is the occasional story of a war going on in the pacific ocean against the ET's.

Some of these stories you have to take with a grain of salt. But the Roger Lear stories of real alien implants being removed really seemed more believable. You can watch an actual surgery on YouTube of Roger removing an alien implant. So that appears to be fact. These implants don't belong in our bodies. I can only speculate on why they are there. I'll just bet those implants are there to control us. What a great way to fight a war. Have your enemies annihilate themselves. The next time you have some thoughts of aggression, ask yourself if those are really your thoughts?

Brings back that video of Reagan telling the world how quickly we all would drop our petty grievances against one another if it became apparent that the real threat against the human race was from an extraterrestrial origin.

walt willis

Senior Member

I know it is hard for you "Einstein" to accept reports of strange things, but if you listen long enough you may
have an epiphany of insight as to the nature of time and space relative to our existence.

I usually don't accept anything I can't verify personally. But it is fun to entertain some of the stories I run across. Ever been to the Mystery Spot? It's a place where the dimensions of length change right before your eyes. I've been there. So I believe. But unless you experience a change in height yourself, it is a very difficult thing to accept.

I'm exploring how to build a time machine. Nobody really cares. But I'll bet lots of people build them. Ever wonder how dead celebrities come miraculously back to life? Maybe somebody went back in time to prevent a drug overdose. There are sightings of Michael Jackson every now and then. Lots of celebrities appear to dodge the bullet that way. Seems the entertainment industry can hook you up to time travel if the need arises.

From my viewpoint, it seems like more effort is being put into changing the past. And it is obvious that physical changes are taking place. The question in my mind is who is responsible for creating the changes. I think there are multiple factions at work changing the past.

As for nuclear war? It's not possible. I seem to recall a story of a demonstration by an ET craft that a nuclear warhead was disabled while in flight by the ET craft with on board lasers. Apparently the ET's aren't going to let us exterminate ourselves that way.

And then there is the occasional story of a war going on in the pacific ocean against the ET's.

Some of these stories you have to take with a grain of salt. But the Roger Lear stories of real alien implants being removed really seemed more believable. You can watch an actual surgery on YouTube of Roger removing an alien implant. So that appears to be fact. These implants don't belong in our bodies. I can only speculate on why they are there. I'll just bet those implants are there to control us. What a great way to fight a war. Have your enemies annihilate themselves. The next time you have some thoughts of aggression, ask yourself if those are really your thoughts?

Brings back that video of Reagan telling the world how quickly we all would drop our petty grievances against one another if it became apparent that the real threat against the human race was from an extraterrestrial origin.

In late 1997 I took a psychiatric test required by the police department for all new hires and got a score of 90%.
The chief said it was the best score he ever saw in the 14 years of his work within the three neighboring counties.
Of particular interest was the extremely low rating in the bizarre thinking area.

I hope you can forgive me for not being able to relate to your world view.
Logic and reason have plagued me all of my life and I suffer from a strange sense of humor.

Now as for your experimentation with building a time travel machine I would like to refer you to a guy that may be able
to help explain how it all works.

Good to see you are easily amused by my reports and hope to continue doing my best to provide you with more bed time stories.


I know. Sell Alaska back to Russia. Give the money as a stimulus to the middle class self employed so we can stimulate the economy by replacing our old cars and old, tiny houses. (Yeah, yeah, dream on).


Junior Member
Tell me, Russian, is there true freedom over there? I mean TRUE freedom?

What is meant true freedom? Freedom is above all a state of mind. Freedom is not passive, that's the powerful will of the creator, the struggle against injustice, building a better world, to protect their people. You can know that there are enemies who crave your defeat. But you are free to fight them and win. Here it means freedom, so that means will.

Do not confuse freedom and permissiveness. But it is also not necessary illusions, as said the Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: "None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free."

How are taxes?

Over taxes: Russia has a very advantageous to be rich, but the poor and middle classes quite the contrary. The fact that tax rates are not progressive and flat. Ie income tax is one: 13%. But the fact is that in addition to the tax on wages paid by the employee, there are taxes for the employer, which for small businesses too big.

For large corporations and the oligarchs, this tax, in contrast, is ridiculous: therefore Russian billionaires Forbes list so many names. Average citizens often receive wages "in envelopes" (pay less taxes so primarily Employers). And the entrepreneurs go into the shadows (withdrawing money through offshore).

Here is some analytical information on taxation and the economy in general:
Сколько налогов мы платим. Думаете, 13 процентов? - новость из рубрики Экономика и бизнес, актуальная информация, обсуждение новости, дискуссии на Newsland.
Поговорим о наболевшем. В России самые низкие налоги! Всего 13%. | Политика
rimona: В России самые высокие налоги и самая низкая социальная защищенность

Is there true freedom of speech?

Affairs in Russia are look like well as in the U.S.: mainstream media basically go "on the party line", provide information pro-government (of course, they talk about the problems, the economy, domestic and foreign policy, but sidestep direct criticism of senior management).

On tv less diversity on television programs helpful and serious thoughts. In Russia, people are given the nickname TV: "debiloid tv" (stupid TV) and "zomboyaschik" (zombie box). On the radio, there are some interesting station where polemics. A lot of press with the free expression of ideas. Well, on the Internet in Russia generally full diversity of views (Russian sector of the Internet name "RUnet").


On tv less diversity on television programs helpful and serious thoughts. In Russia, people are given the nickname TV: "debiloid tv" (stupid TV) and "zomboyaschik" (zombie box). On the radio, there are some interesting station where polemics. A lot of press with the free expression of ideas. Well, on the Internet in Russia generally full diversity of views (Russian sector of the Internet name "RUnet").

So, is Russian TV censored, then? I'm wondering if Russia still possesses some of the old communist, big brother ways. Just trying to learn, here.
Pardon me. :)

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