Saint medals


Hey guys.

So I have a Saint Christopher pendant on a necklace that my Fiancée bought me for my birthday. One night I took it off (which I never do), and I had the most horrific demonic nightmares that I actually woke up and put it back on. After that I slept like a baby. I still get those kind of dreams but I have no fear whatsoever. I never take it off now because I am so afraid of having those dreams. I was plagued by nightmares before I got this necklace. Like every second or third night. Do you think it's psychological? One more thing. I'm not Catholic.


Active Member
No, it's not psychological. Modern physics has not learned of particular things, which I shall not describe in detail here. Suffice to say, a "blessed" object can burn demons.


Hey guys.

So I have a Saint Christopher pendant on a necklace that my Fiancée bought me for my birthday. One night I took it off (which I never do), and I had the most horrific demonic nightmares that I actually woke up and put it back on. After that I slept like a baby. I still get those kind of dreams but I have no fear whatsoever. I never take it off now because I am so afraid of having those dreams. I was plagued by nightmares before I got this necklace. Like every second or third night. Do you think it's psychological? One more thing. I'm not Catholic.

I am not Catholic, either, but I've had a few experiences with saints that lead me to believe they're truly out there. After all, to be dubbed a saint, they have to appear or perform a miracle after their death.


Active Member
I grew up.. Not Catholic. But my family has horrible, I mean horrendous luck. So my mom would buy us Catholic Saint medals and tell us it couldn't hurt. I've always traveled a lot. Even as a kid I had a gypsy soul. And St Christopher is the patron saint of travelers. I know most of the saints are patron saints of a dozen or so things, but why do you think he's protecting your dreams? Is he the saint of dreams or just because it's a "holy" object. I air quoted holy because I'm not sure if an object isn't blessed by a catholic priest that it can officially be deemed "holy", but I'm just a dirty Atheist. ;) Joking around, but I'd seriously like to hear more about the significance of this medal.


So would I. Although I have noticed a lot of changes in my dreams and I'm not terrified of the dark anymore. And I used to be at 26 years old. I always believed spooks were in the dark and would get me.
