Scientist proposes wild explanation for why we haven't discovered aliens yet


Senior Member
2. We have only one Alien called Grays come here every week. First time, they saw President Harry Truman and warned them not to talk about Greys to the public. So, Government is silent on it. But there is a movie similar to it called the close encounters of third kind.

Take however way you want...thanks...
Not only that, but:


There's a lot they're not telling us:




Senior Member
Too inter-species baby happens....

Oh! Grays have a million years of civilization. To them, we are very low in evolutionary ladder....

If we were born during Dinosaurs time...imagine where we would now and call then insects?
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steven chiverton

Senior Member


Active Member
Having seen a UFO several years ago...I find the story to be pure disinformation. We have never been alone. We are being watched, guided, and maybe even harvested by several races of beings. The sheer size of the universe, not to mention our own Local Group validates this probability. What we continue to see is the wool (and I might add, it is old wool) being pulled over our eyes time and time again. Governments, not just our own are aware of this. The fact that we as a culture have progressed in terms of technology so quickly over the past 75 plus years is another testament to this. The mainstream scientific community has been brainwashed to believe that claims of life outside of our planet are so false, that most reputable scientists refuse to approach the topic for fear of career annihilation.

As a species, we are a skeptical lot. We tend to want to see it to believe it. And when we do see it, we still don't believe it. It becomes then up to each of us to break this cycle of disbelief. We as a species cannot take our place among the stars unless we are able to overcome our own petty machinations and accept the fact that we belong to a much greater family. A family that has tried to guide us..or eat us..but in this family, we are but infants learning to stand up.

The cosmos is vast. It is old. It is older than our brief existence. It will remain after we cease to exist. If we as a species have any hope of gaining understanding and the secrets that the cosmos contain, we must evolve. As we learn to walk, we have to realize that there are other species in the vast realm of space who can and will teach us. If only we as a whole planet allow it. We cannot allow our fear and hatred for change blind us to the grander scope of our existence. Will I see us take those steps in my lifetime.....possibly not. But we should prepare those who will have that opportunity. What a great time to be alive those days will be my friends.


Senior Member
There exists a solid argument against the proposition that any biological aliens have ever been here, and you'd have to violate parsimony to postulate how that could even be possible without leaving behind devastating and immenantly demonstrable evidence of our biosphere being contaminated by another biosphere.


Senior Member
About Grays...I just learned that they look like us instead of what Public thinks they look...that is amazing...
