Scientists: Humanoid/reptilian real (Photo)


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Humanoid Reptilian.jpg

Scientists: Humanoid/reptilian real

The remains of the creature are tiny, easily fitting into the palm of the hand. It is said to have been captured alive from a rat trap near Mexico City in May of 2007 by a rancher who drowned it out of fear after several attempts and several hours under water. Witnesses said a much larger (70 cm or over two feet tall) male creature escaped into the local countryside, which incidentally is known for UFO sightings and crop circles.

Now, with the extensive emerging scientific documentation, it is fair to say that this is either one of the most elaborate hoaxes ever or one of the most significant and mind-boggling discoveries of modern science. This begs the question, will the mainstream American media cover this developing story or bury it?

When Mexican UFO researcher Jaime Maussan first saw the specimen, he thought he might be looking at a crude hoax consisting of a skinned infant monkey of a local variety. Closer examination precluded this possibility, however, and when the body was turned over to scientists for analysis it revealed not only a very thin layer of skin, but also a puzzling combination of humanoid and reptilian characteristics!

The brain is quite large for its body, particularly in the anterior, indicating a high degree of intelligence, as are the eyes and ears for its head, with scans indicating a human-like inner ear structure. Also remarkably human-like are the joints, hands and feet, while the rootless carnivorous type teeth and long tail resemble those of a lizard!

Skin, hair (apparently there is a little), bone and tissue samples were submitted to four laboratories in Mexico and Canada for DNA analysis to no immediate avail, as scientists haven't come up with anything they can make sense of (by Earth standards) yet.

Maussan broke the story to Mexican television from where it spread and was featured on the History Channel's Monster Quest episode Wed. night on "flying humanoids" (for some reason), in addition to appearing in several good articles in Germany's leading newspaper Bild online in English.

But wait, there's more. The rancher who claimed to have drowned the poor creature perished recently in a mysterious, reportedly super-intense fire that broke out in the vehicle he was driving! Also, in this same area, a strange human/bird/swine-hybrid of flu virus suddenly originated.

Hopefully we'll learn more about this one before it's somehow quashed....


Senior Member
I believe i had seen a show where they said this was Faked, let me do a bit of research. If i recall it was ether Destination Truth or Fact or Faked that questioned the people and they admitted it was a fake, it was a baby monkey i believe.


Senior Member
Thanks BT, I just checked the orginal article and see it was posted on September 2009. :rolleyes: I almost always check for dates on articles for this reason, but I forgot to on this one. (I thought it was current news.) The photo link was headlining on Yahoo news links...go figure. Thanks, and please post whatever you find about it being debunked.


Senior Member
Ya i watch Destination Truth and Fact or Faked while its slow at work, i will have to track down the episode


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Scientists: Humanoid/reptilian real

The remains of the creature are tiny, easily fitting into the palm of the hand. It is said to have been captured alive from a rat trap near Mexico City in May of 2007 by a rancher who drowned it out of fear after several attempts and several hours under water. Witnesses said a much larger (70 cm or over two feet tall) male creature escaped into the local countryside, which incidentally is known for UFO sightings and crop circles.

Now, with the extensive emerging scientific documentation, it is fair to say that this is either one of the most elaborate hoaxes ever or one of the most significant and mind-boggling discoveries of modern science. This begs the question, will the mainstream American media cover this developing story or bury it?

When Mexican UFO researcher Jaime Maussan first saw the specimen, he thought he might be looking at a crude hoax consisting of a skinned infant monkey of a local variety. Closer examination precluded this possibility, however, and when the body was turned over to scientists for analysis it revealed not only a very thin layer of skin, but also a puzzling combination of humanoid and reptilian characteristics!

The brain is quite large for its body, particularly in the anterior, indicating a high degree of intelligence, as are the eyes and ears for its head, with scans indicating a human-like inner ear structure. Also remarkably human-like are the joints, hands and feet, while the rootless carnivorous type teeth and long tail resemble those of a lizard!

Skin, hair (apparently there is a little), bone and tissue samples were submitted to four laboratories in Mexico and Canada for DNA analysis to no immediate avail, as scientists haven't come up with anything they can make sense of (by Earth standards) yet.

Maussan broke the story to Mexican television from where it spread and was featured on the History Channel's Monster Quest episode Wed. night on "flying humanoids" (for some reason), in addition to appearing in several good articles in Germany's leading newspaper Bild online in English.

But wait, there's more. The rancher who claimed to have drowned the poor creature perished recently in a mysterious, reportedly super-intense fire that broke out in the vehicle he was driving! Also, in this same area, a strange human/bird/swine-hybrid of flu virus suddenly originated.

Hopefully we'll learn more about this one before it's somehow quashed....
I thought i might pull this one up from will be interesting to see what you all make of it :D


Senior Member
Oh cmon Paula, why cant there be alien monkeys too?
After all we were supposed to be descendants from them, and the other aliens might have thought that a cute alien monkey would be kool lol :cool::D
