Scientists that believed crazy things

Sometimes the this site works, but quite often I have issues posting articles, which I don't have elsewhere. I just thought it an interesting read and wanted to get it out there.

Many great discoveries were made by accident. It is not always those that go with the flow that do the best. Sometimes its the black sheep who ventures where others do not dare. They are the ones that come across the new and unexpected.
Check out my new thread on magnetic current.
Many great discoveries were made by accident. It is not always those that go with the flow that do the best. Sometimes its the black sheep who ventures where others do not dare. They are the ones that come across the new and unexpected.
Check out my new thread on magnetic current.
Wise words. I like the idea that many of the great discoveries lies where no one looked before. The thing is, we can't know the amount of things we don't know. It's so wrong to believe that everything has already been invented or thought about.
All the answers to all the questions do exist right now. We just need to know what to ask, how to ask and know enough to understand the answers. If the answer lies under a rock, you have to know enough to look under a rock and better yet, know which rock to look under.

In Flatland, the occupants were unable to understand the concept of above and below their 2D universe. Mainstream Science today is looking for all the answers in our 3D universe. Most are unable to comprehend the idea of above and below our universe. Some answers may lie there. If they are not even considered, the chances of finding the answers that are there becomes nil.

There is a 4D universe that we are a part of. Life is when collections of molecules collapse probability waves to form structures that can find "food" and reproduce. This is all an example of reverse entropy, becoming more organized rather than moving toward a state of chaos. Life is a result of 4D intrusion into our 3D realm.

Just as a sphere intruding into a 2D world is seen as the 2D circle of intersection, in our 3D world, a visitation from 4D would appear as a 3D intersection. "Made in God's image?" In our dreams we interact with the 4D part of ourselves. When we die, we do not intersect with the 3D any longer and return to our 4D world. "Heaven?"

There are many people outside of the mainstream that are looking into the paranormal. You might say they are looking into and trying to understand the above and below. The answers can be found in this non-physical side of reality. Supposedly, one of the 2012 views tells of ascension, where some of us learn to understand this other side of ourselves. "Rapture?" We can learn to create the reality we like.

Wow! Once I get rolling, it just keeps rolling. Kinda drifted off topic for a bit.
Anyway, if you don't ask the right questions, you will never get the right answers.
