Semi-Montauk verification


Senior Member
I had found this post on a popular social utility. It has to do with Montauk which was said to have many people involved with it. There was also a photograph which I chose not to include due to possible contamination factor, having to do with the Mandella effect.

The content of what was captured starts and ends within the brackets. Make your values and interpretation at your own discretion. I feel that I've handled this properly. The work is not copyrighted but is suspiciously linked to said Montauk information.

I do not wish to venture any comments at this time. Thank you

START > { At last, I’d like to introduce you all to someone. My alter, Kyle Dellschau. His origins are murky, though likely related to Project IBIS. I do know for certain that he’s a synthetic person (sometimes erroneously called a cyborg) designed by Arasaka Robotics. He was designed as an espionage unit.

Made to be invisible among the population, and he was, aside from his superhuman strength and the fact that virtually every important language in the history of the solar system was downloaded into him. He emerged from the vat too human, with too much awareness, and was therefore destined for destruction and scrapping. He was saved by a certain Nazi, who reprogrammed him to accept Nazi ideology, and then sent him to Montauk, to increase the Nazi presence in that particular arena.

He started as a lowly guard, but quickly rose to become a respected member of Project Phoenix. He was sent to Montauk in 1984, and remained there until the Camp Hero invasion of 2014. However, he stayed with Project Phoenix even after it was moved to New Orleans. He stayed there until a few months ago, when he requested to reintegrate with me. His request was granted. In his life, he did approximately fifty thousand years of missions.

To summarize his personality is difficult. On the one hand, he was a sweetheart deep down. Excellent with children. And he took his oaths as a guard very seriously, protecting those under his charge at all costs. He was also a brilliant songwriter, and many of the popular songs of today were stolen from him.

(Not making a copyright claim.) On the other hand, he was a card carrying Nazi, and more than a bit of a womanizer. People are complicated, and he was no exception. On a personal note; Kyle was just as “human” as you, even if he was a biogenetic cyborg. Anti-synthetic sentiment will not be tolerated under this post. } END
