Serious Question About Conscious Beings Existing


New Member
Honestly, I put this here because I want a scientific explanation and not some mumbo jumbo. If the universe was created from nothing without any intelligent interaction at all, then why would there be any beings in it at all? That's including dinosaurs. So, basically why is there life at all? Why eons ago did simple building blocks even congregate forming organic life seemingly randomly? If we are to believe hat even we are made up of the same as a chair, what made those things become form anything more of depth? I simply am scratching my head, because to me it seems that accidentally is not good enough of an answer.
Think of how complex a brain of an organism works, compare it to a rock. Doesn't conservation of energy dictate that rocks take less energy to create. Hell conservation of energy actually dictates that remaining static should be what happened so that nothing remained in the state of nothing. I may be wrong but that's why I ask. Be gentle.


New Member
You're asking for a scientific answer but your question has some religious (non scientific) overtones.

The basic answer though is we just don't know. My best attempt at addressing this (or something close to it) is here:
Cosmo's Big Thread of Anti-Theism | Paranormalis
I realize to most it will seem as if there are religious or non scientific overtones. Those are the ones I wish not to hear from. I want someone scientific to convince me there's no need for God/Observer/Consciousness, as if they were trying to change my faith. I will certainly check out the link you provided though.

I basically want someone to scientifically convince me that there's nothing beyond us.


New Member
Sounds like you're looking for atheist type arguments then; that thread there is full of them.

This is also a good place to start:
Arguments against the existence of god - Iron Chariots Wiki
No I want nothing philosophical, I want intelligent science, I want hard evidence, not faith or non faith. That's why it's here in the science and technology area. If I wanted an faith/non faith answers, I'd put this somewhere else.

How about strict scientific research and explanations as to how science can disprove the existence of something else running things.

Good place to start is conservation of energy, I listed it right there in my op.


Senior Member
Sounds like you're looking for atheist type arguments then; that thread there is full of them.

This is also a good place to start:
Arguments against the existence of god - Iron Chariots Wiki
No I want nothing philosophical, I want intelligent science, I want hard evidence, not faith or non faith. That's why it's here in the science and technology area. If I wanted an faith/non faith answers, I'd put this somewhere else.

How about strict scientific research and explanations as to how science can disprove the existence of something else running things.

Good place to start is conservation of energy, I listed it right there in my op.

I don't have an answer to your conservation of energy thing, but the atheist argument is by definition science and logic based. Look through some of the videos on that thread and you'll see what I mean... Philosophy is only a portion of the argument.


Honestly, I put this here because I want a scientific explanation and not some mumbo jumbo. If the universe was created from nothing without any intelligent interaction at all,

It's the great mystery of life. We all have theories, but there is no difinitive answer. If someone figures it out, they will have completely solved the mystery of life.

So, basically why is there life at all?

That's something else humans have been pondering for centuries. My question is why is our consciousness in the body we have now. Why am I not someone else? It's mind boggling. Was consciousness and self awareness created by evolution for survival?


where the wild things are
Honestly, I put this here because I want a scientific explanation and not some mumbo jumbo. If the universe was created from nothing without any intelligent interaction at all,

It's the great mystery of life. We all have theories, but there is no difinitive answer.

That's the point of this topic. A definite answer to the greatest mystery of life. No theories (mumbo jumbo) just a concrete answer. The real deal.


Honestly, I put this here because I want a scientific explanation and not some mumbo jumbo. If the universe was created from nothing without any intelligent interaction at all,

It's the great mystery of life. We all have theories, but there is no difinitive answer.

That's the point of this topic. A definite answer to the greatest mystery of life. No theories (mumbo jumbo) just a concrete answer. The real deal.

Hmmm. I have nothing, then.


Good place to start is conservation of energy.
Reality is
multidimensional and energy can move between systems with nothing lost or gained overall.

The universe was not "created" from nothing. It came into existence as a probability cloud of all possibilities. So, all possibilities exist simultaneously and all past, present and future possibilities exist now. In one sense, "Time" has a simultaneous nature that is physically experienced linearly. Linear time is just our changing perspective as our consciousness move along a series of moment points. Our consciousness exists outside of the physical, as well as being focused in the physical when we are awake.

You question how life and consciousness could rise from random chemical reactions, when it is more like consciousness influencing actions that led to living organisms and complex life. What we call consciousness is often defined as more or less being able to view reality as we do. There are many varieties of consciousness that are unlike our own, but still valid within their own environment.

We, being multidimensional beings, exist on many levels at once. In dreams our consciousness is free from the linear time constraints of physical reality. Future possibility/probabilities can be explored that assist in our decision making while awake in the physical world.

Science in general has been focusing strictly on the physical aspects or reality and religion on the non-physical, each to the exclusion of the other's perspective. Theoretical physics is somewhat an exception here. Multidimensional reality, simultaneous time, probability wave functions, the effect of the observer on the observed and other similar concepts are changing core beliefs on how reality works. As for mumbo-jumbo vs. scientific facts, in science the rules change as more knowledge is gained. We will never find the answers until we ask the right questions. Often times what was once absurd or not even considered as a possibility become accepted and become the new "facts", at least until the next one comes along.

Just another viewpoint to think about.

