Sesame Street

Doc Brown

Junior Member
Sesame Street

First things first; I have wonderful memories of watching "Sesame Street" as a child. It's no longer shown in the UK, but if it was, I would make time to watch it. So I just wanted to find out if anybody here still likes it or has fond memories of it.

Sesame Street taught me a lot. It taught me my ABCs, my 123s, it taught me that you can choose friends who are completely different to you (Ernie and Bert), it taught me that if you spend your days in a dustbin, you're sure to end up cranky, and it taught me that big yellow birds are friendly.

My favourite characters were Ernie and Bert. I loved those little skits the best of all. But the other characters were all great. From what I've read now, the over-abundance of Elmo seems to be annoying some viewers, but when I watched it, I always found him quite cute - although, of course, he wasn't used so much back then. I also liked the pieces with Grover (when I watched in the 90s, he always seemed to have a run-in with a little fat blue man and unintenionally annoyed him.)

And then there was Big Bird, Snuffy (when I was watching, everyone could see Snuffy, although I've since come to learn that he was originally invisible to everyone else and that everyone believed that Snuffy was Big Bird's imaginary friend.) Then there's Oscar, the Count, the Telly Monster, the Bear Family, Kermit, Gordon.

I was over in America last summer and caught a few episodes. I still like it. It's a shame that Bert doesn't seem to be there any more, though, although it's still nice to see Ernie with his Rubber Duckie. And the "Trash Gordon" thing at the end is quite a nice touch.

"Sesame Street was brought to you today by the letter G and the number 7 and is a production of the Children's Television Workshop."

(I think I got that mainly right.)

P.S. Remember the THEME SONG!!!??? "Sunny Day, sweeping the clouds away. On my way to where the air is sweet...Can you tell me how to get, how to get to Sesame Street?"

Love that place! I want to go there!
Re: Sesame Street

I too loved Sesame Street as a kid... It was one of those classic shows you never forget. And I definitely don't like all the changes they've made over the years... Who let this Elmo puppet to fill in for Bert?

If I only had a time machine, I would go back to the 1980's and enjoy Sesame Street as it was in its best years... Why does time travel need to be so tricky?:)

Re: Sesame Street

Yeah, you know, thinking back on it now, Sesame Street seems to represent some sort of television utopia for me. It was the perfect place - the weather was always nice and sunny, it always seemed to be set during the summer holidays, the kids were out playing. Everyone was friends, and whenever they argued, they always made up at the end. Different races and the like lived together peacefully...

It's a sort of Heaven. Just imagine, when we've died and we've gone through the Golden Gates - the first thing we see is a sign saying "123 Sesame Street."
