
And of the ones reportedly visiting Earth.. I know there are many reported shapes and sizes, but the three basic ones are the small greys with their big dopey eyes that would make me feel like a pedophile, the tall Viking looking ones that would really make me feel immasculate(think thats the right word), or the reptilians that will make me feel like I'm into beastiality. So in all earnesty I'd have to say until we find more alien species out there that are willing to visit Earth.. I might have to pass. Unless they're offering me a lot of cash. No checks.
And of the ones reportedly visiting Earth.. I know there are many reported shapes and sizes, but the three basic ones are the small greys with their big dopey eyes that would make me feel like a pedophile, the tall Viking looking ones that would really make me feel immasculate(think thats the right word), or the reptilians that will make me feel like I'm into beastiality. So in all earnesty I'd have to say until we find more alien species out there that are willing to visit Earth.. I might have to pass. Unless they're offering me a lot of cash. No checks.

The greys don't seem to have anything to offer women, if you catch my drift.
I wouldn't mind going down in history as the first intergalactic, male prostitute. Taking the oldest profession on Earth, intergalactic.
LOL.. Imagine if we're the only species in the universe that was willing to sell sex. The first alien species would be like.. So let us get this straight. If we give you money, you'll have sex with us no matter what we look like? ... And to which I'd reply, why sure. Please deposit 8 bajillion dollars into this Cayman bank account for me, Mrs Hutt.
And of the ones reportedly visiting Earth.. I know there are many reported shapes and sizes, but the three basic ones are the small greys with their big dopey eyes that would make me feel like a pedophile, the tall Viking looking ones that would really make me feel immasculate(think thats the right word), or the reptilians that will make me feel like I'm into beastiality. So in all earnesty I'd have to say until we find more alien species out there that are willing to visit Earth.. I might have to pass. Unless they're offering me a lot of cash. No checks.

The greys don't seem to have anything to offer women, if you catch my drift.
LOL!! Okay, I nearly choked on my lunch reading that one, Paula... :ROFLMAO:
