Sheriff Joe Arpaio's report on Obamma's birth certicate


New Member
The birth certificate is faked. I know that, and if everyone else falls for it, then they're just blinded by false truths, because people will gladly be spoonfed whatever the government wants to tell them, because the government would never lie, right? But don't "Go Joe." Joe Arpaio is a racist oppressing piece of garbage. He doesn't believe in constitutional rights, and targets minorities. Not only does he not deny this, he is happy to accept such accusations. Once in an interview he claimed that it was a compliment to be called a KKK clansman, because it meant he was doing his job right. I don't want someone like that in my neighborhood, much less "Protecting" my family and friends.


Senior Member
it dosen't matter if his birth certificate is faked or not. Those who say they care and want the truth won't do anything even if it is handed to them on a silver platter. Our soeciety are i hate to use the term "sheep" but it's true we do as were told we dont fight for our rights the government lies,steals and cheats us and we sit back and let them just like a sheep does when its getting shered.


The one key point that Joe Arpaio has turned up, is the fact that you do not have to be born in Hawaii, to get a Hawaiian birth certificate. You can just go into the office and fill out forms that will do this. There does not have to be a doctor or hospital involved in the birth. BHO could very well have a Hawaiian BC and not have been born in Hawaii. I did read something on this months ago. I am surprised this has not come up sooner. I do find it suspicious that we are not allowed to examine the actual BC copy on file. That would help in determining if it is the same as the official copy. BTW, when interviewed, the women in charge of records would not say, on the record, that both copies were the same.

Joe Arpaio's comment of the KKK has been twisted to mean something he did not intend. Basically what he was saying is when you are doing your job right, opponents will accuse you of many dastardly things. So being accused by opponents of being a KKK, shows that he is doing his job. He is honored by any such accusations, they may not be true, but it shows he is getting under somebody's skin.

Racism and political correctness are often at odds. The TSA continues to randomly select persons for further screening. Although almost all of the terrorists are Arabs, we screen grannies in wheelchairs, very young children and others that are randomly selected. This is all done to avoid any charges of discrimination. In Israel, there screeners are highly trained. They select persons for more in depth screenings based upon an analysis of key indicators. Much more effective and less intrusion into passengers that are low risk.

I am pleased that Joe is not sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see how things turn out, as most of us do. Only he is taking the initiative to find out the truth, whatever it may be. I wish him success, whether he finds the BC to be real or not.

Joe Arpaio's area was a big problem with persons that enter the USA illegally. Almost all of these are Latinos, so that is where he puts his focus. Racial profiling, OMG! Bullshirt! If you knew that people wearing red hats were committing a certain type of crime, wouldn't focus on them, instead the politically correct random method? That's just a waste of time and money.


New Member
The birth certificate is faked. I know that, and if everyone else falls for it, then they're just blinded by false truths, because people will gladly be spoonfed whatever the government wants to tell them, because the government would never lie, right? But don't "Go Joe." Joe Arpaio is a racist oppressing piece of garbage. He doesn't believe in constitutional rights, and targets minorities. Not only does he not deny this, he is happy to accept such accusations. Once in an interview he claimed that it was a compliment to be called a KKK clansman, because it meant he was doing his job right. I don't want someone like that in my neighborhood, much less "Protecting" my family and friends.
Obamas dad was a muslim, but he was raised like a christian.....anyone who doubts that is an idiot. infact, 42 percent americans recently voted that they thought Obama is a secret muslim!
