Singapore Resident Claims Third ‘Mothman’ Sighting This Week


🤖 Think outside the mind
SINGAPORE — A woman claims she saw a creature that looked like a “tall man with wings” at an abandoned house in Singapore.

54-year-old avid birdwatcher Alice Yimdale said she was looking for birds near Dempsey Hill when she spotted the being inside the abandoned building last Sunday.

“It was 2:30 p.m. when my husband and I went to the forest looking for birds, I do love a good bird watching session,” she told Cryptozoology News. “This is why My husband and I live in Singapore, a hub of beautiful birds. We like this place because, unlike our house, it is quiet and tranquil.”

Yimdale reports that as they came near an empty building, she heard a “loud fluttering noise”.

“I was confused, so I decided to investigate… this is when I came across the thing.”

The woman said the being looked like a tall man with an “enormous” wingspan.

“I’d say around 9 to 10 feet. My husband says it was longer,” she explains. “It had a very thin body.”

Reportedly, the creature appeared to be barely moving and could have been a male or a female.

The couple maintained they had never seen anything like it before and that the 3-minute-long sighting was a “big scary but exciting”.

Cryptozoology News asked the birdwatchers regarding the lack of photographic evidence of the alleged incident but there was not an immediate response.

This is is the third winged humanoid sighting in Singapore reported this week.

The Mothman, a ghostly winged humanoid, was reportedly first seen on November 12, 1966 in Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

The post Singapore Resident Claims Third ‘Mothman’ Sighting This Week appeared first on Cryptozoology News.
Sightings of the Mothman tend to be followed by some kind of catastrophe, if real, i wonder what he is warning us about.
