Social Enlightenment


I feel as we go further into the age of technology, a new adaptation is forming in society. I feel that people are finally able to use the internet to educate themselves in way that suits their person instead of being forced to learn or view things by others.

I also feel that some people are naturally more aware of the state of the world, and as information grows, it's becoming harder for the corrupt to hide facts from the public. I believe that this awakening and (somewhat liberating) form of awareness is increasing as governments and companies seek to control the flow of information.

I predict a form of revolution. Probably not within the next 10 years, but probably within the next 20. The people are becoming educated on their own, and learning to think for themselves instead of being zombified consumers. I feel that this goes against the desires of both Governments, and Corporations (are they still two entities?). I feel eventually the gentle persuasion to be uneducated and be a consumer zombie will become an act of force. Maybe it will be complete control or monitoring of the internet, or maybe conspiracy sites will be considered terrorist. I am not sure what it will be, but when I think of the gradual increase of tension in relation to technology I see a form of a catalyst on the horizon.


Information is getting more and more available to everyone as things evolve. Does it have to stop at some point? Maybe. The more info there is, the less you can hide, so logically, like you said, the gov won't like it.

I'm wondering if at some point, we might all be connected in real time to one total and global source of information that contains every existing information. You think about it, you get the info!

Just look at the Internet today. We're far closer to a global source of information, than back in the 80s before the Internet went mainstream, right? So it's maybe not that far fetched.


You are very right. A global source of information would be wonderful, but we have to look at it like we look at the History books. Once it has become a standard for education, there will be things left out or there will be an "official" story that is considered more valid than other records.

My English professor told me that in the past when armies took over cities, the first place they would destroy would be the records or library. This is because once you have control of a perceived history, the next generations will believe what they are taught by the enforcers rather than remaining stories of the history. Then suddenly, the people trying to maintain the truth are enemies of the state.

I like to think we have gotten past that, but the Edward Snowden occurrence is a perfect example of the condition of the U.S.. I also think it's a sign that people are getting fed up with the lies, and are outsmarting the people who (supposedly) run things.
