Society and culture of ETs visiting here

I know we get a lot of accounts of what ETs do when they visit/abduct humans and how we see some of their tech but what about their cultures and society? Has anyone ever asked them what they believe religion wise, their views on ethics and such? How they view interpersonal relationships and all that.

What about their history? Did they go through a version of the Crusades, World Wars, etc? Art? Music?

What are their governments and economies like? Do they have emperors, leaders? What about their militaries and customs?


Senior Member
I know we get a lot of accounts of what ETs do when they visit/abduct humans and how we see some of their tech but what about their cultures and society? Has anyone ever asked them what they believe religion wise, their views on ethics and such?

I would love to hear the answer to those questions, given how they abduct humans of all ages and forcibly hybrid with them, which causes severe problems to the victim (i.e., PTSD, etc).

They have a totally different moral and ethical mindset than we do. Its kinda like how the US treated POWs vs how the Japanese did during WW2. The Japanese believed surrender was totally dishonorable and thus fought to the death and when they received POWs they thought they could do whatever they wanted whereas we treated our POWs decently.

If you are talking about the Greys then they were grown/bred purely for medicine, genetics, and sciences. As they are merely advanced organic robots they will have a seriously different understanding of moral concepts since they see us and think "Hey! Potential science experiment."

The Reptilians/Amphibian type creatures have a more passionate understanding. I am talking about the real ones, not the reptile looking demon things.

I do remember some things about the Reptilian/Amphibian cultures and stuff. They have a matriarchal society where since females are seen as the birth-givers they were given higher status and treatment. When they mate (they love it as much as we do) they always find a larger partner as they see it as the bigger the partner the more he/she is worth. Ohh and most are either bisexual or asexual. They never had discrimination against same sex partnerships as the concept is foreign to them. They also have (and probably still do) suffer from wars, rebellions ,etc.

The Greys worship science like its a religion. I remember from accounts that their ships sometimes have paintings and symbols of fire of various colors and shapes. (fire is one of the most basic and well known chemical reactions, and a drive toward technological evolution so it makes sense) They also have pictures of various atoms. It makes more sense now that I think about it given they are organic robots created purely for scientific advancement by the Reptilian/Amphibian species before they rebelled. Now some factions of the Greys are more advanced than their creators.


Senior Member
Traveler Malaki, where does your information about aliens come from? Are those your theories, or did you come to those conclusions from other sources? If so, can you post reference links?

About the Greys, if they are just robots, then how are they able to hybrid with humans (which they have been doing for over 50 years)?

When I get to Heaven, I'm going to ask God about aliens. I really want to know what, who they are, and what their agenda is. My theory about Aliens, Extraterrestrials | Paranormalis
Traveler Malaki, where does your information about aliens come from? Are those your theories, or did you come to those conclusions from other sources? If so, can you post reference links?

About the Greys, if they are just robots, then how are they able to hybrid with humans (which they have been doing for over 50 years)?

When I get to Heaven, I'm going to ask God about aliens. I really want to know what, who they are, and what their agenda is. My theory about Aliens, Extraterrestrials | Paranormalis

I have had a few friends that were abducted by the Greys and Reptilians/Amphibian types. Also this site has a lot of resources on the Greys possibly being organic robotsh t t p : / / w w w . h y p e r . n e t / u f o / o c c u p a n t s . h t m l

The hybridization aspect I suspect are two different types:

The first one is the 'brain uploading' type. This is where the aliens (in most cases the Reptilian/Amphibian types) abduct pregnant women right before giving birth and alter the fetus in some fashion. This usually gives the appearance of high functioning autism in which the child ends up super smart in math/science. I drew this conclusion after meeting a mother who had an autistic child (who read and understood a quantum mechanics book at the age of five) that had an abduction experience. I ended up meeting a few other mothers with similar children and all had the same experience when pregnant. Either they upload their minds into the children themselves or just plain do something to make them smart to advance the human race.

Think about this for a few minutes... How many of our top scientists in many fields around the planet have autism? Or been diagnosed with it in the past 40-60 years?

The second is the 'physical hybridization' type. From what I heard by another few abductees that had contact with the Greys (a few others with the Reptilian types) was that the Greys are 'assembled' through a process of ridiculously advanced organic nanotechnology that we really cannot understand this lifetime. The hybrids are actually done this way but have a portion of themselves augmented by these same pieces of organic nanotech to improve them.

Hopefully we get more answers as to other questions as well


Senior Member
I don't think any part of the human abduction experience or hybridization program causes Autism. After much research and studying personal accounts, I believe Autism is caused from vaccines. Vaccines are given to babies and children. I didn't allow my children to have any vaccines that I considered dangerous. Alex Jones is also very knowledgeable on Autism being caused from vaccines. The Warnings listed with the actual vaccines actually tell what they will cause. (There's a lot of information on Youtube about vaccines causing Autism, if you're interested.)

You don't necessarily have to listen to Alex Jones to learn about vaccines causing Autism, but he does hear from a lot of parents with Autistic children on this subject. There are many other sources available.
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I don't think any part of the human abduction experience or hybridization program causes Autism. After much research and studying personal accounts, I believe Autism is caused from vaccines. Vaccines are given to babies and children. I didn't allow my children to have any vaccines that I considered dangerous. Alex Jones is also very knowledgeable on Autism being caused from vaccines. The Warnings listed with the actual vaccines actually tell what they will cause. (There's a lot of information on Youtube about vaccines causing Autism, if you're interested.)

I dont think it is all caused by abductions but small fractions of the amount with the ones that have the super genius children and stuff, especially with the same type that have psychic abilities too.

I think the rest of autism is caused by some vaccines, pollutants, chemicals in food, psychiatric medications mothers take and children take, and a variety of other factors.

I am sorry though but I do not trust Alex Jones as a reputable source. Most of his information usually tends to be very incorrect or twisted from partially true facts. He contradicts himself a lot too.


Senior Member
I know we get a lot of accounts of what ETs do when they visit/abduct humans and how we see some of their tech but what about their cultures and society? Has anyone ever asked them what they believe religion wise, their views on ethics and such? How they view interpersonal relationships and all that.

What about their history? Did they go through a version of the Crusades, World Wars, etc? Art? Music?

What are their governments and economies like? Do they have emperors, leaders? What about their militaries and customs?

As far as my understanding they have a hierarchy, Workers "Grey's,inect" Then the ones who do most of the personal meetings "nordics"
But all answer to someone they refer to as "God" there are hundreds of story's of abductee's talking to their abductors about most of this.
If you want a good quick read, re-search the book called Ami - Child of the Stars, you can find a PDF of it pretty easy on-line.

But all Consider God to be the supreme power, and when asked who is god most reply God is Love.

But i have beat this subject to death with Sam lol We've gone blow for blow in a lot of this subject so i will leave my 2 cents there and run!

But if you want a good understanding i highly suggest reading Ami-Child of the stars, it is a short but very good read.
