Something called the 'otherland' At least thats what i call it.


Junior Member
What i have grown to call the otherland seems to be a place that exists in tandem with. And sometimes influences the collective unconsciousness. Oftentimes in this 'otherland' it seems to be a plane with more or less no laws, or incredibly lax laws. Perhaps it's even when various eldritch beings may come from. Oftentime, the few people that have encountered it say it's a very quiet. Effectively liminal plane of existence.

My goal here today is the research of a woman that might come from that plane. Overall it's hard to say what she looks like, just that she's usually tall and may either manifest as a white clad entity, or an almost invisible black feminine entity. Other forms may exist but these are ones i'm currently aware of. However, she doesn't usually directly appear to neurotypical people. However, people on the spectrum[Autism, especially the higher end] and Adhd[especially incredibly empathetic examples] may see her in any number of forms. One of which being influencing creativity.

Be it ideas and concepts, peripheral glimpses, voices, dreams, i could be writing this thing for an hour if i wanted to go over everything. Insofar as my memory allows anyway. But yeah, looking for people who may have encountered her in some way or another. She also may manifest around the number 11.

Otherwise my thoughts tend to be pretty rattled or disjontled. My apologies if i missed anything.


Junior Member
I have no idea about the nature of this "otherland" or why neuroatypical people are more sensible to this "woman" apart which you have already written.
But, your comment about her association to the number 11 and your whole description of this entity notably her influence on human creativity rings a bell in my mind.
I really invite you to read books about Crowley's Babalon; she is a main goddess of his cult and she is clearly inspired by a few elder divinities mainly Astarte. Nonetheless, she has also aspects from the Gnostic Sophia i.e. the practical cleverness.
Plus, she is also inspired by Hekate and so the witchcraft including somekind of mediumship the artists are supposed to obtain and fuel their creativity.
In addition, the number 11 was associated to Magick by Crowley and also to Babalon especially.


Junior Member
I have no idea about the nature of this "otherland" or why neuroatypical people are more sensible to this "woman" apart which you have already written.
But, your comment about her association to the number 11 and your whole description of this entity notably her influence on human creativity rings a bell in my mind.
I really invite you to read books about Crowley's Babalon; she is a main goddess of his cult and she is clearly inspired by a few elder divinities mainly Astarte. Nonetheless, she has also aspects from the Gnostic Sophia i.e. the practical cleverness.
Plus, she is also inspired by Hekate and so the witchcraft including somekind of mediumship the artists are supposed to obtain and fuel their creativity.
In addition, the number 11 was associated to Magick by Crowley and also to Babalon especially.
Researching into the deeper aspects of Babalon, and the fact 11 was associated to her is interesting. Some other associated aspects ring vaguely familiar. The woman doesn't have a full central form usually. And when she does, I have theorized it encompasses too many things at once for the human mind to comprehend. So it picks and chooses, so to speak.


Junior Member
Ramza, I wanted only to share with you other points that make this entity especially match with Astarte.
You wrote that she appeared once time black, another white dressed plus with also a red light following her.
Well, Astarte was pictured with black and white ornaments and one of her main powers was putting the world upside down, inversing all the contraries and so old scrolls said about her: "She can inverse the high and the down, the male and the female, the black and the white...".
Plus, as a goddess of both reproduction and war, she is deeply linked to blood and so the color red.


Junior Member
In addition, I come back to Babalon and share with you a famous line from "her book" (1946).
Those words are supposed from Her:
"The sigil of devotion. Be it consecrated, be it true, be it daily affirmed. I am not scorned. Thy love is to me.
Procure a disk of copper, in diameter three inches paint thereon the field blue the star gold of me, BABALON."
This description of her "sigil" or the "star gold of" her rang a bell in my mind. I thought about it especially after your previous thread where you mentionned She was linked to too vivid fictional beings mainly video games characters.
And, actually, it matches pretty well with the piece of technology described below, except the very first steps to this tech have begun only the year after (1947) and have led to an industrial process only a few decades after (between 1979 and 1982):
I let you draw conclusions from this point.


Junior Member
What i have grown to call the otherland seems to be a place that exists in tandem with. And sometimes influences the collective unconsciousness. Oftentimes in this 'otherland' it seems to be a plane with more or less no laws, or incredibly lax laws. Perhaps it's even when various eldritch beings may come from. Oftentime, the few people that have encountered it say it's a very quiet. Effectively liminal plane of existence.

By this parahraph, do you mean it like a place called 'Saranjana' in Indonesia, perhaps?

I'm sorry if you find the quality of the language on the posts in the links is not really up to your expectation as it's so hard to find references concerning the Mythical City of Saranjana in English.

By the way, many of us Indonesians have heard for countless of times that there are invisible places-like cities, in particular areas in our country.

Places, with inhabitants that looked to be like humans-just like us, but at the same time, they aren't.
Places, that are there, but at the same time they aren't, and can only be seen by certain people.
Like Saranjana.

But I don't think those places are lawless like you mentioned.
We've heard there are orders in those places, enforced by it's military or police, since they also seem to have government systems of their own.

Anyway, the City of Saranjana is but one of those places we've heard of in Indonesia.

There're also the stories of The Mythical Kingdom of the Eastern Sea (or Eastern Coast), The Mythical Kingdom of Alas Purwo, etc.

My goal here today is the research of a woman that might come from that plane. Overall it's hard to say what she looks like, just that she's usually tall and may either manifest as a white clad entity, or an almost invisible black feminine entity. Other forms may exist but these are ones i'm currently aware of. However, she doesn't usually directly appear to neurotypical people. However, people on the spectrum[Autism, especially the higher end] and Adhd[especially incredibly empathetic examples] may see her in any number of forms. One of which being influencing creativity.

Pardon my question, but can you elaborate with this encounter of yours?

Like, where and when did you see 'her' (as from my own knowledge, 'she' could be 'he' the next time you see it, and there's no guarantee for them to be always the same being, if you know what I mean).

And aside from mere curiosity (may be), is there another reason for you to take on a research concerning this particular being, if I may ask?

I'm asking you the questions because of this:

Be it ideas and concepts, peripheral glimpses, voices, dreams, i could be writing this thing for an hour if i wanted to go over everything. Insofar as my memory allows anyway. But yeah, looking for people who may have encountered her in some way or another. She also may manifest around the number 11.

Pardon my words and assumption, but it sounds to me like you're more than interested to find informations concerning this 'woman'.

In Indonesia, when a person-be it a man or a woman, shows such level of curiosity like yours, we'd normally see it as the sign of enticement toward a certain spiritual entity, but not in a healthy dose/sense.

Be careful, 'she' could be a succubus or incubus, don't you think? 🙂


But if you ask me if I've ever seen a woman like her... 'may be' would be the answer.

My experience seems to be rather different than yours though.

I saw her very clearly, I touched her-in a way, so I can be certain that she's just as real as myself, and I didn't see her in my dream; I saw her-or rather, met her, in real life.

To this point, you may think I was meeting a normal human girl.

There's a little bit more detail to this story however; that there were also some other people with us at the time, but none of them seemed to be able to feel her presence, let alone, see her.

Well, that's all I would like to say concerning this matter as of tor now.

As to whether or not you'd like to believe me and my story here, it's your choice 🙂
