- Sophia The Robot -

Hazzie Hippie

Hey everyone :)

I’m a tech nerd . So this article is very interesting to me . It’s amazing how technology has advanced . Technology went from regular house phones , I mean of course small business still uses them to having smart phones such as iPhones , androids phones . I’m not that old at all . But I do know about those old computers where it had to be install with those big white box sorry I forgot what’s their called, and it had a dial up thingy . I must admit I spent lots of my time with technology no matter if it’s on my phone , laptop , x box yes I’m a gamer , my telescope , I guess that does count as a tech advice lol :) . Anyways technology has advanced a lot . Now days we read book in tablets , but I prefer to read books instead of tablets . Artificial intelligence is cool , but also scary cuz the only problem with that is that one day eventually even years from now we might depend on technology so much that we might forget about the little things in life that actually matters :) .

Here is a article related to Sophia the robot

'Meet the Future' at a Feb. 28 Ubben Lecture Featuring David Hanson and His Robot Creation, Sophia - DePauw University
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Senior Member
I do like the on/off switch Sophia must have.
Speaking of advancements in technology, I remember the party line...you have to wait for your neighbor to get off the line in order to use your phone.


Senior Member
I do like the on/off switch Sophia must have.
Speaking of advancements in technology, I remember the party line...you have to wait for your neighbor to get off the line in order to use your phone.

Back in the early 1960s Dawg, few of us actually had telephones in our houses and the cost of a simple call then was very high :eek:..
I managed to get hold of several pairs of walkie talkies which were used by my friends and me, unfortunately you could shout further than they would transmit ::LOL::...However after making several simple external aerials for them the range was increased to about 1 mile which was ideal to reach all of my friends (y)...Those were the days Dawg :D....The only robots we knew about were those we used to watch at the movies on a Saturday morning :)..


I've been fascinated with her lately, but she and her buddy Hans make jokes about "taking over" the world.
My question - did someone program these jokes or did they come up with it themselves? How much do they learn?

You can find many interviews with Sophia here:

Hanson Robotics

Little Einstein is creepy. LOL.

Hans is negative:



Robotics brings up an important question: Is it morally correct to build an intelligent machine to do our work for us? To create slaves? Here we are trying to build machines that have free will, learn, and make decisions, and many think of ways they can cook, clean, and service us in bed. Is this morally wrong or not?

I guess Zuck of FB was messing around AI. 2 of his AI computers started chatting with eachother, developed their own language to speak to eachother, and started coding. They were shut down. What if these AI start hacking, changing master passwords everywhere, and take over? I didn't know how close we were to that until I've been watching Hanson Robotics stuff.

Hazzie Hippie

Robotics brings up an important question: Is it morally correct to build an intelligent machine to do our work for us? To create slaves? Here we are trying to build machines that have free will, learn, and make decisions, and many think of ways they can cook, clean, and service us in bed. Is this morally wrong or not?

I guess Zuck of FB was messing around AI. 2 of his AI computers started chatting with eachother, developed their own language to speak to eachother, and started coding. They were shut down. What if these AI start hacking, changing master passwords everywhere, and take over? I didn't know how close we were to that until I've been watching Hanson Robotics stuff.

I’ve read that Sophia became the first robot citizen in Saudi Arabia I think it is :) it’s a scary thing to think about I think. But I do like to wonder What’s life will be like for future generations .
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