Space Brothers


Senior Member
I recall hearing about Bruno's pictures and i have seen most of them, i do find it funny it blocks out the picture of the Aliens lol

I like story's like these, there is enough Negativity in this world, enough evil, nice to know others believe that the ET's aren't hear to Clone and rape us and do dirty things in the dark corners of the space ships.

With the movie Dark Skies Coming out i have a feeling it is only going to Stress the "Aliens are evil" stereotype. But i am still going to go see it.


Active Member
You can download a free copy from the book's website. I agree. I used to read many years ago about aliens who were friendly and didn't do rotten stuff to us. After I got out of college, it started. They were awful, they were evil, they were out to get us and invade us, take over the world. Well, guess who were the evil ones and who have tried to conquer our world--it t'weren't them!


Active Member
You can download a free copy from the book's website. I agree. I used to read many years ago about aliens who were friendly and didn't do rotten stuff to us. After I got out of college, it started. They were awful, they were evil, they were out to get us and invade us, take over the world. Well, guess who were the evil ones and who have tried to conquer our world--it t'weren't them!


Senior Member
The evil is already on earth, its our own kind, our government. We need t oworry about what we are doing to our selfs, not what space invaders are Suppoisdely going to do
