Specific Way to Use the Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR)?

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Is there a specific way to use the Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) for the best results?

Basically, when I use my HDR, I turn on all the switches (system, electromagnet, and witness well). I place the time coil on my head just above my eyebrows, then think of a place or time I'd like to go to. I place a quartz crystal in the well. I then ask the machine aloud "what are the rates that will transport my (physical / astral) body to (a specific world, like Super Mario Bros. / a specific time period in a specific place)?" I start off by rubbing the rubbing plate in a circle clockwise until after adjusting the first knob, I get a sort of stick reaction, then continue to the second knob until the stick reaction increases to the limit. Once that's done, I get the electromagnet and rest on the floor next to my HDR unit with the electromagnet pointed on on the solar plexus, which is the dip on the chest above the stomach, right? I rest there for anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, sometimes even 15 minutes. I haven't really got any results at all after or during this, besides a slight electric shock from the electromagnet, which never happened before.

Am I not doing something correctly, or perhaps, does the HDR not work for me anymore? I had strange things happen before, but nothing in a while.
perhaps when i finally go to the time coil and rubbing plate testing on my hdr units i may be able to give you some help, but at the moment things were slowing down due to very bad heat humid hot days but it seems to be better now and i'm looking on doing an unknown modification of the rubbing coil and pulsed dc output from the diodes and some re routing so to avoid any possible disasters ill build a complete hdr unit and use the modifications then so i won't have to blow up any of my 3 hdr units on hold for more tests. meanwhile i have a technical problem and that's with the circuit box size as i need them a bit larger than the hdr circuit box for the modifications as jaycar electronics here don't have anything bigger than the abs plastic grey coloured circuit boxes so i may have to build the new prototype on a pvc base plate i can make as a panel

Acela Cortese

Junior Member
Is there a specific way to use the Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) for the best results?

Basically, when I use my HDR, I turn on all the switches (system, electromagnet, and witness well). I place the time coil on my head just above my eyebrows, then think of a place or time I'd like to go to. I place a quartz crystal in the well. I then ask the machine aloud "what are the rates that will transport my (physical / astral) body to (a specific world, like Super Mario Bros. / a specific time period in a specific place)?" I start off by rubbing the rubbing plate in a circle clockwise until after adjusting the first knob, I get a sort of stick reaction, then continue to the second knob until the stick reaction increases to the limit. Once that's done, I get the electromagnet and rest on the floor next to my HDR unit with the electromagnet pointed on on the solar plexus, which is the dip on the chest above the stomach, right? I rest there for anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, sometimes even 15 minutes. I haven't really got any results at all after or during this, besides a slight electric shock from the electromagnet, which never happened before.

Am I not doing something correctly, or perhaps, does the HDR not work for me anymore? I had strange things happen before, but nothing in a while.
the slight electric shock from the electromagnet is very strange , considering your not getting the full shock otherwise you'd be toasted have you checked the electromagnet to make sure no wires are sticking out , ?
Hi there I too have had no results and I'm getting frustrated . You said houngan some stuff happen awhile back . Did you astral TT or what b

steven chiverton

Senior Member
this is very interesting if yous followed the instructions that come with the hdr unit when yous brought them from steven gibbs did it mention about clearing the quartz crystal before you use the hdr and tuning the hdr to yourself using a sample of your own saliva also yous have to use the hdr over a vortex but finding one may be hard as some instruments used are just em field detectors and i don't know for sure if the vortex is in itself an electromagnetic field if so then there's a lot of them out there and especially man made ones so how to tell them apart is one thing, so i like to know the voltage of the mains from various areas that people are in in other countries and the frequencies so i can try find a clue , im in australia we have 240 volts ac at 50 hz steven gibbs hdr in his area as far as i can find is 110 volts ac at 60 hertz i tried to factor in our 50 hz into his formula or equation but the figures i got was higher than his for our area as his formula or equation used his 60hz so i substituted it for our 50hz into his formulae and got the higher figures which don't make sense to me at the moment , and through some experimentations some crystals can vibrate and you can just hear it but when the crystal is cold it doesn't vibrate and neither dose it amplify a certain sounds frequency from the motor of a nearby fridge going on, but when the crystal i energised and warmed up by the human body heat and via the aura it then amplifies this hidden sound within the motor of the fridge that is normally just hearable till the quartz is energised as if its ringing in resonance with that sound or signal within that sound of the refrigerator motor going on also i find that you may have to fire up the hdr without anything in the witness well to clear it , this i dont know what its referring to yet , and before you put in your crystal which has to be cleansed or cleared so there's some things we have to get right first

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Is there a specific way to use the Hyper Dimensional Resonator (HDR) for the best results?

Basically, when I use my HDR, I turn on all the switches (system, electromagnet, and witness well). I place the time coil on my head just above my eyebrows, then think of a place or time I'd like to go to. I place a quartz crystal in the well. I then ask the machine aloud "what are the rates that will transport my (physical / astral) body to (a specific world, like Super Mario Bros. / a specific time period in a specific place)?" I start off by rubbing the rubbing plate in a circle clockwise until after adjusting the first knob, I get a sort of stick reaction, then continue to the second knob until the stick reaction increases to the limit. Once that's done, I get the electromagnet and rest on the floor next to my HDR unit with the electromagnet pointed on on the solar plexus, which is the dip on the chest above the stomach, right? I rest there for anywhere from 2 minutes to 10 minutes, sometimes even 15 minutes. I haven't really got any results at all after or during this, besides a slight electric shock from the electromagnet, which never happened before.

Am I not doing something correctly, or perhaps, does the HDR not work for me anymore? I had strange things happen before, but nothing in a while.
i've brought a cell phone sensor from the usa on ebay and got it today, so now i may have some luck in finding a vortex if you have to operate the hdr over one. in the area i'm in we have underground power so i don't yet know if that's going to make it hard to find a vortex or not i'm half way through building a new hdr units and using a flatter pancake coil size 9.9cm a little bigger than the steven gibbs one but like number 3 also 6 and 9 are said to be important numbers according to what i find, that tesla thinks , and i'm already getting a newer hdr unit number 5 ready to build this experimental one will have some re wiring modifications and a trifilar rubbing coil and witness well to and reverse polarity switch , and if it goes right ? a vortex generator that will attach to the bottom of the rubbing coil

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i think a very strong ac rf current induced into house hold wiring can influence the ac in the ac mains. i set up my powerfull sec exciter unit on my desk and it generates so much high rf ac current it jams every digital tv station on our tv and yet if i place a sensitive rf ghost detector in the kitchen in an area where it sense ac mains fields i get a signal from the rf ac from the sec exciter thats induced into the mains power so it comes out via the ac fields so the signal is induced into the ac mains and is coming out via the ac mains fields so if this happens on a much more larger scale then your ac going into your electromagnet may also generate ac ac shock from the energy induced into the mains is my guess, and with the ac fields in the house being around walking through them alters the fields and changes the signals from the beeping sensitive rf ghost detector so if your main ac power is being unknowingly modified by induced power ac rf currents then i think your electromagnet would end up zapping you if it hasn't got any loose wires sticking out of it, think of a large ufo nearby down the road near the powerlines then it effects your house hold electrical appliances because its inducing ac rf currents into the ac lines that goes to your house
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