Spotting UFO's


Senior Member
Ok i had a interesting event happen this morning on my way to work, it was kinda cloudy out and i noticed a extremly bright light like no way a light should of been this bright during the day, then as i watched it, it looked like it turned and as i looked at traffic infront of me for a split second it was gone, i could not find the object again in the sky again.

My questions is, how do you know when you have seen a UFO? how do you know it isnt just a plane or helicopter?

With my expierence the only way i can explain the light was like looking at the Northern Star on a clear night, there is no way this light should of been as bright as it was during the day.


The Bearded One
I'd maybe keep an eye out for other people reporting the same thing? If it was just normal air traffic there shouldn't be much to go on... (If you do not include a cover-up)


I had a similar event happen to me recently. I was driving and I saw a bright light moving slowly. It then dimmed and almost disappeared only to return bright as before.

I watched it for 5 minutes as I drove into work. As it got closer I saw the flashing red light. Turns out that the bright light was the front lights and as it made a turn it went dim. I was hoping it was a UFO...

Long story short unless it is close or moving in ways planes cannot it is hard to verify a light in the sky is truly a UFO.


Senior Member
And thats just is, it lighted up randomly and then not even 5 seconds later it was completely gone, no trace of anything in the sky. I work in the capital so air traffic isnt uncommon but i know this wasnt a plane or a helicopter, it seemed far to high to be a helicopter and it turned far to fast to be a plane plus that light was the most unusual part it still boggles me, will defanitly be lookin out for it again.

Loopi, i dont even know where i would look up something like that lol


I remember my GF told me something similar a month ago. She spotted something she thought looked pretty odd in the sky while driving. It somehow feels like what you guys are describing here.
