States Refuse to Accept Syrian Refugees — Cowardice or Common Sense?


it makes sense NOT to take any of those terrorists in, everyone of those refugees has ties to terrorist orgs, why? all of the refugees are young males in shape. Two look what happend in France recently they been letting Syrian refugees in and that happend to them. Three obama is in bed with isis, that being said he needs to be impeached and arrested for treason because he only cares about destroying America

Obama is in on it. That's why he isn't doing jack crap to stop them. Kudos to France and Russia for having the balls to take matters into their own hands!!!

walt willis

Senior Member
YES! I do believe that ISIS was created by the US government to re-establish the balance of power between the countries of Iran and Iraq.
Iran runs both countries at this time and is a threat to the entire region.

Obama was raised a Sunni and ISIS is the same.

If they don't murder Trump before he becomes president Trump will be the one to end this lie and destroy ISIS.

Carl Miller

Active Member
The NWO does not care a bit if the world is really on fire or not. You must have noticed that the Elite, and when I mention the world Elite I am referring to the rich of the world. Do you really think they are interested for the mankind welfare. Wake up ,Alice, the Wonderland has vanished in the haze.
The so called black budget that you americans and we from the allied countries are sustaining are helping them build incredibly expensive underground bases with tons and tons of provisions. Why? Obviously to guarantee security for us???? Answer-"Hum no" To whom?
Housing the elite members masons' and secret society members and family folks? Conspiracy theorist ?They really would like us to be tagged as freaks.

Hey Obama was elected by the NWO.
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