strange experiment results

steven chiverton

Senior Member
sorey im getting one thing mixed up with a different thing but if anyone leaves me an email ill email yous a audio recording from my gravity wave detector where ive found a hidden alien sounding voice and along with a background signal now i cant get this voice any clearer as i used audacity software when i amplified it and compressed and and noise reduction when to my surprise there was a alien sounding voice or paranormal voice of some kind hidden in it

steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive re listened to that recording which i tried to bring up more the spacing of that tone sound which sounds different since runing it through audacity has some similarity to that of that high sounding one you hear during the Apollo moon landing if this is the case even though i cant filter it enough to bring out the voice fragments in it my wildest geuss is the signals come through a time anomaly from 1969 to 2023 or 2
