Alpha and 0mega
Junior Member
Strange MOONy
Alrite,one question troubles me.
Why does the moon revolve around the earth instead of the sun?we all know that all the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun,but why can't the moon be one of those planets?
After some time i thought of an explanation,allow me to write it down in this thread to show u.
The answer is...,the moon is revolving around the sun not the earth!
the moon is revolving around the sun in a special manner.the unique path of the moon revolving around the sun is shown below in the frist file attachments.Many may ask,what created this path?well basically,when the solar system is frist form,the moon is form to closely to the earth,thus it is affected by the gravitational energy of the earth and the sun.why do i say that the moon is not revolving around the earth?well look at the frist file attachment,the moon doesn really make a complete circular path around the earth,instead it path is something that look like a coil.
i have also another better illustration and proof to show u that indeed the moon is revolving around the sun.look at the second file attachment,in this illustration,we take it that the moon take one year to revolve around the earth,so as we can see,the moon seems to have its own path around the sun,at the same time it seems to revolve around the earth.
So i suppose i have manage to convince u that the moon is revolving around the sun not the earth.
Any questions about it pls bother to ask and i thank u for reading my thread.
BY the way the picture i draw really sucks,but pls bear with it.
Alrite,one question troubles me.
Why does the moon revolve around the earth instead of the sun?we all know that all the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun,but why can't the moon be one of those planets?
After some time i thought of an explanation,allow me to write it down in this thread to show u.
The answer is...,the moon is revolving around the sun not the earth!
the moon is revolving around the sun in a special manner.the unique path of the moon revolving around the sun is shown below in the frist file attachments.Many may ask,what created this path?well basically,when the solar system is frist form,the moon is form to closely to the earth,thus it is affected by the gravitational energy of the earth and the sun.why do i say that the moon is not revolving around the earth?well look at the frist file attachment,the moon doesn really make a complete circular path around the earth,instead it path is something that look like a coil.
i have also another better illustration and proof to show u that indeed the moon is revolving around the sun.look at the second file attachment,in this illustration,we take it that the moon take one year to revolve around the earth,so as we can see,the moon seems to have its own path around the sun,at the same time it seems to revolve around the earth.
So i suppose i have manage to convince u that the moon is revolving around the sun not the earth.

BY the way the picture i draw really sucks,but pls bear with it.