Strange movement of objects


Junior Member
This just happened a few moments ago. I was in the front room, watching TV and using my computer, the cat is in the kitchen eating.
I hear a commotion from the kitchen. I look up to see that the cat's plastic mat that we have her food on has been yanked half way across the floor, the water is spilt and her bowls are everywhere spilling food.
I go into the kitchen and look around - nothing has fallen to startle her, even so you would have had to have yanked the mat out from under her bowls to drag it half way across the floor, and from the way she sits and eats, she could not have moved it by herself.

The cat is okay, just a little startled, she didn't hiss at anything when it happened, and she is walking around the house as normal, but is round about this time of year (from about November to February) that activity round me seems to peak....but I have never had anything like this.

I have been downstairs now, and have tried to push the mat (with everything on it), with my foot and move it. It is heavy (cup of water, plastic bowl and ceramic bowl), and I (a fully grown human) couldn't move it. I don't see how unless someone actually physically pulled it, it could have moved.
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Temporal Engineer
Doesn't your cat have an occasional wild banshee spree? I know mine does. And stuff all over the house gets knocked out of place when that happens. Your cat probably landed on the plastic mat at 40 miles per hour. That would do it.


Junior Member
She has her mad moments where she charges around the house, arches her back and walks sideways - but this wasn't it. She was actually standing there when it moved, she hadn't charged away from it.


Temporal Engineer
So your cat feigned innocence. I know mine is not innocent. If the cat was in the room when it happened. The cat is the prime suspect.
