Super Universe? Time Travel


i canot explain with great detail because i am not sure exactly but i shall try too explain.

note: this will only work if there isa realistic ability of time travel

i will start out explaining the grandfather sure most of you are aware of this.
say i go back in time and kill my grandfather... meaning i was never born, wich means i never killed my grandfather so i was born and did kill him..ect for ever!

the only way that this would be possible is if it fixed it self by -as soon as you are in the past you changed it so it spews off and makes an alternate you do not go and change your past at all your changing the alternate yous universe.

if this is the case than our universe has an infinite number of scenarios happening inside it self...meaning SUPER UNIVERSE.

infinity.....infinite number of realities that is the exact same as ours, but an infinite amount of them i am not aware of this, and in an infinite amount of them im doing exactly what i really want to do!
an infinite number of scenarios
I thought about this possibility once, it's kind of mind blowing. I understand that if the Universe has some mechanism to prevent paradoxes, the best one would be to prevent time travel in the first place. I consider time travel as a reality so I'm not going to stop here.

Alternate time lines pretty much solve the paradox issues. Just imagine how many possibilities there are out there. Those possibilities are limitless. I'm not sure that all those possibilities exist at the same time though. Perhaps they come to existence when required, when the Universe needs them to prevent a paradox?

Did this time line exist before Titor went back in time? Perhaps if Titor didn't go back in time, this time line wouldn't be.

Think about this. We're 3rd dimensional beings. What would those time lines, alternate realities look like to a 4th or a 5th dimensional being?

Jon is correct about killing your Grandfather just initiating an alternate time-line and does not affect the one he exists in. But this does not solve the problem of a closed time loop. I read a short story years ago that gives a great example of this. I'll try to keep it short and just cover the key points.

A man (M) goes into a bar in a very bad mood and starts drinking doubles.
Bartender (BT) asks, "What's the problem? Things can't be that bad."
M: Oh yeah? I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage, when I was a baby girl."
BT: Baby "girl"?
M: Just let me finish my story. I was not attractive and never got adopted. When I was 16, I met a man while in the park. He didn't care about my looks and it was love at first sight. I saw him daily for about a week, got knocked up and he disappeared. The night I gave birth, someone stole my baby, probably that SOB from the park. Not only that, during childbirth they discovered that I had both male & female body parts. The childbirth had complications that destroyed the female and they reconstructed me into a male.
BT: So, you went to have your baby and woke up as a man whose baby had been stolen. Geez, that is pretty rough.
M: Not only that, as a girl in an orphanage, I never learned how to do man things, only girl things. Finding a job was not easy. I ended up being a Romance Novel author. If I ever find the man who caused all this, I'll kill him.
BT: What if told you I know how to find him?
M: If you can, I'll do anything.
BT: Follow me.
They go to a room in the back of the bar. Once inside, BT walks over to a small machines, makes some adjustments and hits a switch. There is a big flash, then nothing happened.
M: What the hell was that?
BT: A time machine. Now just go to the park and find that SOB.
BT then travels 9 months into the future and steals the baby. Next, he travels back 17 years into the past and drops the baby off at an orphanage. He then travels forward to a week after he dropped M off and picks M up. BT then explains that since he knew about time travel, he was being recruited to join the time corp.
BT: It's a lot better than writing romance novels.
M agrees and they travel into the future for processing into the corp.
M: Do you think I'll like it?
BT: I'm sure you will. If you haven't figured it out yet, you are me 30 years ago. I know that when you went to the park, you bumped into yourself when your were 16. You are the SOB that knocked you up. I know you will have a great life because I did.
BT then leaves M and returns to the bar a few minutes after he had left it. BT's first customer looks at him and comments, "Looks like your having a good day."
BT: Yep, you're right. I'm having a really great day.

OK, the question here is: Where did BT and M come from?
This story is a paradox in itself isn't it? It's an infinite loop, no beginning, no end either. :)
Jon is correct about killing your Grandfather just initiating an alternate time-line and does not affect the one he exists in. But this does not solve the problem of a closed time loop. I read a short story years ago that gives a great example of this. I'll try to keep it short and just cover the key points.

A man (M) goes into a bar in a very bad mood and starts drinking doubles.
Bartender (BT) asks, "What's the problem? Things can't be that bad."
M: Oh yeah? I was left on the doorstep of an orphanage, when I was a baby girl."
BT: Baby "girl"?
M: Just let me finish my story. I was not attractive and never got adopted. When I was 16, I met a man while in the park. He didn't care about my looks and it was love at first sight. I saw him daily for about a week, got knocked up and he disappeared. The night I gave birth, someone stole my baby, probably that SOB from the park. Not only that, during childbirth they discovered that I had both male & female body parts. The childbirth had complications that destroyed the female and they reconstructed me into a male.
BT: So, you went to have your baby and woke up as a man whose baby had been stolen. Geez, that is pretty rough.
M: Not only that, as a girl in an orphanage, I never learned how to do man things, only girl things. Finding a job was not easy. I ended up being a Romance Novel author. If I ever find the man who caused all this, I'll kill him.
BT: What if told you I know how to find him?
M: If you can, I'll do anything.
BT: Follow me.
They go to a room in the back of the bar. Once inside, BT walks over to a small machines, makes some adjustments and hits a switch. There is a big flash, then nothing happened.
M: What the hell was that?
BT: A time machine. Now just go to the park and find that SOB.
BT then travels 9 months into the future and steals the baby. Next, he travels back 17 years into the past and drops the baby off at an orphanage. He then travels forward to a week after he dropped M off and picks M up. BT then explains that since he knew about time travel, he was being recruited to join the time corp.
BT: It's a lot better than writing romance novels.
M agrees and they travel into the future for processing into the corp.
M: Do you think I'll like it?
BT: I'm sure you will. If you haven't figured it out yet, you are me 30 years ago. I know that when you went to the park, you bumped into yourself when your were 16. You are the SOB that knocked you up. I know you will have a great life because I did.
BT then leaves M and returns to the bar a few minutes after he had left it. BT's first customer looks at him and comments, "Looks like your having a good day."
BT: Yep, you're right. I'm having a really great day.

OK, the question here is: Where did BT and M come from?
wow thats great hahaha and interesting
