Switching to alternate timeliness in your sleep


Junior Member
I had a similar sounding experience to you when I was on a certain medication for a short period of time. I eventually got to a situation where I honestly couldn't tell if I was awake or asleep because the dreams that I was having were so vivid and real and just took place in a different place. I am not sure how to explain it. I got off the medication after a short time and the situation ended pretty quickly (or I at least began to not remember the dreams if they are still going on in the same fashion any longer.)

It was the strangest thing though because I was in this dream where i had another wife and different kids and things were all different but the same at the same time. My immediate family and siblings etc were the same but my whole life and experiences and what I was doing with my life etc. were so different. Yet I felt these feelings towards the other people in the "dream" like it was reality where I had been forever. I never really opened up to anyone else about these experiences before, Is it possible that I could have been slipping into another timeline or dimension? maybe that the medication was helping me to slip into this deep sleep scary for me to have this happen? Or could it have just been really really vivid dreams that were purely imagination? I don't know maybe its true that is all it was, but it was much different than most dreams ive ever had in my life, I have at a few times since and before had similar type feelings in dreams but it was only the consistent that i could remember it for that time period I was on the medication that I no longer take. Thanks for any info, and thank you for sharing your story as it reminded me of my experiences and I thought that I would share them as well to help give something to think about for your experiences as well as others here, thanks!
You could post your story in the subforum Alternante timelines
