Symbols, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion


Active Member
Symbols, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion

Can we discuss on a chat the symbols guys and how accurate they might be. Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion. Is there someone on this forum who has that kind of expertise?
Re: Symbols, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion

I moved this post into a thread of its own.

Re: Symbols, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion

Maybe you could tell us a little bit more about them, Jasper?

Re: Symbols, Jordan Maxwell and Michael Tsarion

Absolutely. I think Jordan Maxwell who had some ideas on the Illuminati and the symbols of the Freemasons is otherwise a big joke. He has his history all wrong, and he's an antisemitic to say the least. You can find a whole lot of what he says on youtube and
