Taco Bell shrimp tacos
Don't eat them.
Don't eat them.
There are some vegetables you can cook and there are some that cooking simply destroys, spinach and brussle sprouts being two of them. Doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that taking a bite out of those baby cabbages before it has been cooked to know that some one was really screwing with your head by putting the cooked one on a plate. Same damn thing goes for Spinach. Raw or nothing.
Taco Bell..... First thing that comes to mind is how I'm reminded of being out in the field long ago and the mess hall serves what could only be politely referred to as Mystery Meat. Sub prime, and I mean REALLY sub prime, maybe 7 very large steps down from Chuck type sub prime is the stuff they grind up and make patties for McMerde, Wendys, Burger King and now recently In & Out Burgers (- Damn that's too good to pass up, we'll put that one on the back burner for a tad -) as In & Out Burgers has realized like the rest of them, why buy good beef when you can make more money on not buying good beef.
I have a combination KFC-Taco Bell a block away from where I work. At first, I thought it was a good thing. Sadly, after running the list, the only thing that's somewhat safe and isn't going to fill the arteries with sludge is their BLT Salad. You can't eat their tacos and try to compare it to what we make at home. I'd be very interested to know what the % is of soy protein in ratio to proportion of real meat in the stuff they sell as "taco meat"
Having had real Fish Tacos and Shrimp Tacos across the border, I can only say that I am not sorry to have missed the experience of eating those Taco Bell Shrimp Tacos. Your bravery shall be touted through out the ages.
So, now that the local In & Out Burgers has joined their brethren in the utilization of refuse disguised as beef patties, I think it only fair to point out that their name has become a veritable double entendre. Sure you may get served quickly, and yes it is doubly a fast food now as well, because it has entered the realm of the quandary linked to Beer and the fact that you don't purchase Beer, you rent it. Only recently have I been mistaken thinking that perhaps age or a flu was the culprit after eating at the In & Out Burger and being somewhat bewilderingly occpado afterwords.
Oh for the days of yester year when people honestly cared about what they served.
We all have seen advertised pictures plastered all over gods creation of Burgers that looked 8" tall, 1/4" slices of tomato, perfect Bacon, Cheese slices, crisp lettuce, succulent meat, and perfect buns. Sad isn't it when the actual product arrives. The only place I have ever seen anything that resembled those pictures was a Burger King out in the boonies along a highway in Maine.
Course, in a state that has Blue Berries grown in God's own back yard that frikken tase like they are grown there, Lobster, New England Boiled Dinner, Red Hot Dogs, Lobster Rolls, Shrimp Rolls and they give you about 1/4 of the pie when you order a "slice of pie", they better compete.