🎲 Forum Game Talk in questions.

Re: Talk in questions.

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"deepthought\")</div>
How many socks do you need for a three legged race?[/b]

Don't you mean Shots? (Before entering a three legged race, you need a Shot for each leg, one for the Road & one for the Gipper. Then your Running Mate has to buy the next round and you have those same shots with her or him. Woe be unto those that have started this process too early as they may find them selves with too much time before the race and start this process over again. This last point is the real reason there is such a good turn out in regards to spectators.)
Re: Talk in questions.

(Depends on the bar you're at...I had several people ask for a shot on the rocks while I was bartending...)

(*snort* lightweights...)

Can you handle your liquor?
Re: Talk in questions.

(ahhh, the days in Biloxi...)

Funny, as in a "Oh gee duh" type way? Don't they start you guys out on JD in the bottle? (or was that my husbands family...?);)
