Technological Singularity

I forget the name of the theory. I think it comes from Jacque valley and is expanded upon by graham Hancock. The idea that UFO/ET phenomenon always seems to be just ahead of our own tech with a good dose of high strangeness. Ie the airships that preceded the saucer waves. The abducties describing dials and gauges and what not on saucers.

I don't know what's goi g on but I don't recall experiencers describing nanobot fog or super ai or very many robots. It seems that any ET should have reached singarity level radicle tech.

It maybe they just make it appear different the it really is. I don't know but something doesn't add up to me.

Time travelers also dissapoint me a bit. I was hoping for life extension a robot butler enhanced intelligence and fully immersive computer simulations by the time I hit 60!
